I now make a solemn vow.
My friend Amanda is absolutely fabulous about keeping up her livejournal, it’s a blast reading about her life, and I am always thrilled when one of you all post. When you haven’t in a while I get nervous and start to stalk you on facebook. I happen to be one of the worst offenders in the disappearance category. I rarely answer my phone, never update anything and then sporadically have these bursts of news. I say, NO MORE! I shall update my livejournal at least once a week in the hope that I can inspire others to do so as well! Even if I am boring and all I am doing is school, still it shall be so!!!
I guess I should start right now then huh? Well. This semester so far has been a major kick in the patootie. In both good and no-so-good ways, the overarching theme being ‘I am now an Adult! Oh god…HOORAY…oh god.’ Living by myself is beyond amazing. I often just run around the three rooms laughing maniacally and mumbling ‘mine, all mine!’ I can dance around naked to annoying music after I shower. I can leave a dish in the sink and not feel guilty about it. I can come in late and not worry that I am going to accidentally breathe too loud and wake someone up. There are so many good things about this I would bore you gushing. Paying the bills however equals the suck. I was late on a credit card bill because they hadn’t effected my new address to send my bill to. I was late on my rent check because they didn’t even send me a bill. Bah.
School is nuts. Leave alone the fact that I grew far too accustomed to the pretend type school in Ghana, this semester is going to be a shredder. I am taking the least amount of units I have ever taken (only 17, I usually take about 22) but three/four of those are studio classes. On Mondays and Wednesdays my schedule rules. I have Print from 11-2 and I probably don’t have to tell you how much I love that class, then I have section one of the Curriculum development class from 2-5 we have been making masks and its like we have all regressed to elementary school! Paste and Papier-mâché, huzzat. Then I have lab hours from 6-10pm and then I go home and do home work.
Tuesdays and Thursdays however are stinky in the worst way. I have this Self, Health and Culture Class from 8am-9: 30 in which we talk about how cultures view death, dying and illness. SO DEPRESSING. Not only that but the teacher is this little old man who wears a leather fanny-pack sandals and socks and sits up there for an hour and a half rambling about relativity and telling this story over and over about this anthropologist who listened to a burn victim who had to have her skin pealed off once a week. Then I go to World Religions from 9:30-11, which isn’t too bad because its with Steve and I love him (Some of you may remember Leslie and I named our Jasmine plant after him) But I have taken all of these upper division classes with Steve in which he talks about all of these things in more depth with opportunities to actually have discussions. The other rotten thing about this class is that Humboldt is trying to catch the tech-wave and so is telecasting Steve’s class to another room full of 80 kids. So that means that every class is fraught with tech failures and request to repeat and check the mike. Then I have Jewelry from 11-2. This should be fun, but no. Its just hours and hours of filing, and a teacher is more than a little controlling. As you may have noticed I have no breaks in my day, so I was counting on the fact that usually in a three hour class over the lunch period we get a break long enough to get some food and eat it. Chris demands that our break is only 10 minutes and we should only take one. BAH. At 2 I scramble to clean up and then head to Section 2 of Curriculum development to work on the logistical aspects of teaching and planning out subjects.
So in summation I have 8 hours a week of lecture, 24 of Studio, 13 hours of work (I have been working without pay on Saturdays, that will change) And each of my studio classes say that you should be spending at least 6 hours working in the labs. That means 24 extra hours. Then I also have Studio School on Saturdays from 9:30-12. So that means roughly 72 hours of scheduled time. Which is nutz. Nutz I tell you!!! I keep forgetting to eat and I have been consistently staying up until 2-3 in the morning to get everything done. This happens to be a lame side effect of the whole adult thing; in the past I have been known to prioritize sleep and food over homework. Now I find that I just can’t do that. I set a standard for myself and I need to live up to it.
This is getting long, and kinda depressing so I think I will end for now and then go on to the more exciting/fun things going on in my life in my next post. ie. Leg warmers, 10 pounds of blackberries and the resulting bakery, teen-vampire-lusty-angst, midgets making art and a sundry dance parties.