classes are finally over, thank the lord. now it's just massive
test-prep time. beginning today, we're supposed to have 24/7 quiet
hours, but of course nobody on this floor is going to adhere to that.
to think that i chose furnald because i believed it to be quiet...
compared to other dorms, perhaps, but i still often find my floor
difficult to tolerate. it's difficult to be aggressive about these
things because you have to live with these people. nice, friendly kids
and all... but loud and annoying. and don't get me started on the music.
i'm definitely looking forward to coming home, although i'm now
starting to wish that i'd taken advantage of my semester here in new
york. you'd think with all the things i have to do here that i'd never
be in my room. that's what i was thinking when i applied, but the story
played out differently. some years from now i'll look back and wish i'd
not wasted my time here... but that's too far ahead for me to imagine
right now. my exams are over on the 20th and my flight leaves on the
23rd. that gives me a little bit of time to just relax and enjoy new
york. hopefully i'll do something worth mentioning. namely, ice skating
at the rockefeller center rink beneath the gloriously ornamented tree!
so right now, it's almost 2, and i'm sort of in limbo here. for the
first time i've been relieved of any specific task, other than to study
for these finals. the night is still young, at least physiologically,
because i just can't sleep. i've simply spent too many nights, such as
last night, working (or procrastinating) into the early morning hours.
many different suggestions are coming to me at once: study, sleep,
relax... i don't know what i can even do.
i feel like this semester, i've really just been going through the
motions without really putting my heart into this thing. i've not made
any attempts to explore my interests through campus activities, and as
for school, though i am being forced to do a lot more work and study
than i've ever done (which has always been none), i find myself always
doing the minimum on assignments, hoping to get away with a half-assed
job done at the last minute. what am i here for, then? as dear
professor helfand puts it, "a degree and not an education."
i know where i want to go after columbia, but it's as if i've been so
inundated with choices, things to do, people to see at the present that
i've become overwhelmed and deliberately locked myself in. this is more
or less what has happened. on weekends i seek the security of michael's
company and lose myself in comfort until sunday night, when reality
hits again. i'm reaching out slowly, but there is just... so much
here. won't somebody organize my choices into a neat little chart for
me so i can do as little thinking as possible? this is pretty much why i need a subscription to "time out new york"
and to further elaborate on why i haven't been able to embrace college
very well: i've not once been to a party nor partaken of drink or
substance. this should not be a big deal, but it really does alienate
me from others at times. it's really not my cup of tea, and it was
never the activity of choice for all the friends i've ever had. it's
perfectly fine that people want to engage in those activities (after
all... michael), but i wish i could find people with whom i could just
relax and have fun without making those things a requirement. it
doesn't help that i prefer intimate company to large groups. ideally i
want someone who just likes to sit around and watch movies and eat junk
food, or play video games, or just hang out. i'm also always happy to
do anything academically or culturally enriching, as long as it doesn't
break the bank or interrupt my last minute homework... and i love
having occasions to dress up, too! (since i never do, and everybody
here thinks i'm an absolute slob)
it's just that i've always had friends who appreciated those simple
pleasures. people around whom i didn't have to be fake, excessively
cold and distant or obnoxiously warm and friendly. i didn't have to be
"pc" all the time, i could say whatever the hell i wanted and people
could laugh at it because that was just my brand of humor and form of
expression. i also wasn't required to be at the top of my intellectual
game all the time, nor particuarly charming and attractive. i just had
to be me.
(and i've also realized how nice it was to have friends who shared my values.)
honestly, being here makes me feel like i have a very dull personality,
and it also makes me wonder how i ever had any friends at all. i also
have a slight suspicion that people find me rather vapid because of the
way i project myself. my god, it is vicious here! what happened to all
the really geeky kids like me?
so this semester has been pretty blank and unremarkable. i'm still
optimistic in spite of the disappointment i've faced at the realization
that college isn't quite as glamorous as i thought it would be.
hopefully, after taking some time to relax over break (i was only home
for less than two weeks between three months in california and this
semester) i will come back, fully energized to make another attempt to
take on new york.
ps (for those who know what i'm talking about): so far michael and
i have completed gundam seed. now we're in the middle of gundam seed
destiny, bleach, and fullmetal alchemist. what's happening to me?
1) thanksgiving break: travis / me / alan
2) last friday: low library under snow!!
3) saturday: me / michael on college walk
the end.