hello friends! long time, no see. haven't been around livejournal or myspace or aim much [or at all] so pardon the absence. i've been terribly busy with work and family stuff.
LAZY PEOPLE: look under the cut for pictures!
i'm living with my brother and his roomates in an apartment in downtown san diego, and interning at his work, liberty woods. it's a small company in carlsbad that deals with, well, wood. it's a pretty small company, takes up only a suite in a building and employs about 30 people in total [everybody knows each other on a first-name basis, including the board of directors].
what exactly, you might ask, do i do? well, let me ask YOU a question. what was my worst and least favorite subject in school? if you thought, 'math,' kudos to you. so, naturally, i'm interning in the ACCOUNTING department. that's right--liz crunches numbers, enters data, and checks people's credit all day. a step up from taking coffee orders, but a step down from sitting around and playing on the internet. yep, i tell them i'm considering an econ/business/polisci major, when really, only one of the above is true.
people at work are cool. it's really weird being treated like an adult. i'm like a regular employee; i have a computer, cubicle, e-mail address, extension, all that good stuff. and i'm expected to act like one too... something that's pretty hard for me, but a good lesson to learn. and that includes being on time to stuff. well, i'm forced to be on time now that i live with my brother. we have to catch the train to get to work, so i'm being whipped into shape as far as time goes [something else i really need].
so work is from 7.30-4.30, but i have to leave the apartment by 6 and i get back around 6 [if we get out right when work ends, which we usually don't since tan always has a lot of stuff to do]. i get a one-hour lunch break, in which i get to sample the culinary landscape of carlsbad or sit in the car and listen to music while tan takes a power nap.
"metro, boulot, dodo." that's exactly what comes to mind when i try to describe this existence; it's french slang for the daily grind [something like, "travel [metro is their public transit, of course], work, sleep"]. no time for anything. when i come home, i just want to eat dinner, shower, and go to bed. usually we go out to eat, so that adds some sort of spice, especially since we live downtown, but that's about it. surfing, hitting the beach, chillin' with the family in l.a... that's only on the weekend.
speaking of which [to make an enormously long entry longer] i had the privilege of having miss heather brainerd over for the weekend. her orientation for usc happened to be on the same weekend as my columbia orientation, so we got a few days together in san diego and in los angeles. on monday, we hit the beach in del mar while my brother surfed. we took some awesome pictures. i have some others i took earlier,
on the day i'm leaving, alan snaps a shot when i'm not looking.
outside "wahoo's fish tacos," an extreme sports-themed restaurant that sells... fish tacos. surprisingly good despite what you may think. oh well, i was trying to be artsy or something with this shot.
beautiful del mar!
be careful though, the sun isn't always your friend. heather went out to the beach earlier that day while tan and i were at work, and she learned that the hard way. doesn't matter, 'cause she's gonna have a hot tan, even if she dies of cancer in a few years.
look where we are, suckas!
time for our hardcore shots. we ARE on the west coast after all, soon to be heather's home turf. i didn't know how to display east coast pride so i just struck my default hardcore pose.
it was SO hard to take these shots without bursting out laughing. it took literally like 5 minutes apiece to get them right. and it was also kind of embarassing because people were walking by looking at us like "wtf." and don't laugh... this was only my second day at the beach... and i haven't worked out in over a month.
you knew these were coming.
you can ask heather about these if you want. i don't know what she'll tell you :)
anyway... that's california so far. hope y'all are doing well back home. i miss you very much!