::deep breath:: another day......

Mar 28, 2004 14:09

okay so i guess i have the clear enough head to make a post. some things happened yesterday which were very devistating. i called my friends house and spoke to her ex. she had done something i did not foresee. i was yelled at and told some lies at first because my friends ex and i DO NOT get along because hes an asshole and he knows it (she needs to get another place because she still lives with him due to finacial troubles and some other issues). at any rate, he told me a warped version which was a lie and hung up on me. i then tried to reach whomever she knew that i knew for information. i spoke to the boy she loves and told him what happened. he was just as shocked as me. he also did not take it well, just like me. without finishing the conversation he put up his away message and i had no one to talk to again......
i got a hold of my brother and then he spoke to my other two brothers. after that i got a hold of our mututal friend sarah and told her what happened.
then i called my friends ex again, a couple of hours after i had originally called. he was a little more cooperative because my brother aeilex was also on the phone and threatend to come kick his ass if he didnt tell us what was going on. we were then told a different story, of which was still horrible but had a better ending then the first. he refused to give me all details because he knew my friend and i had had a fight recently, and also that she was upset about some other things that had happened recently. he said no one needed to know her business, and if she wanted people to know after the fact she could tell them herself. that phone call ended. i sat around distressed and freaked out. then i talked to our mutual friend online named sue. she was compassionate and concerned as well. i told her what happened, and she was very upset as well. she also told me that the boy our friend loves had told some people and thats how she found out. and that he also had said some things which were alarming. i emailed him to let him know the news and will speak to him when i can. hopefully he is dealing okay......
its odd how you find out something horrible and then suddenly everyone knows. the stories always seem to change as it travels. like the game of telephone, but for the most part i blame the exboyfriend for being an asshole to me about this on the phone. he said some things that are cruel and unforgiveable. i hope that when she is okay she makes it a point to get out of there.
so in retrospect..... yes things did happen. yes it was bad...... quite bad. but hopefully all will be okay now. if anyone would like to talk to me about this they may. however, i am not posting details for obvious reasons. so this remains vague because i find it too serious to dispell information like this to just anyone.
special thank yous to sue and diane whom i know will be very supportive of this. you girls are angels.
love to all my friends....... especially you ::hug::
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