Feb 11, 2005 23:42
Hi Liz,
I'm going to pass on this one, you should try red rum, Flamingo
Cantina, Red Eyed Fly, etc...
Fuck you. Fuck you! fuck you for not even taking the time to listen to the material. I know you didn't, you got back to me too quickly. Fuck you for not taking the time to write me more than one line.
Fuck you because you are going to eat your words in time. Fuck you for acting as though this band doesn't matter to you. If your job is going to be in promotion, then your job is to listen to us, all of us. You signed up for it, you are more than likely getting paid for it. I'm not, neither are they. We are here because we belive in something, In this, in this music, in these people, in the possibility of making something bigger than yourself. I know you are busy, but this is your JOB. This is what you are supposed to do.
Fuck you because we can do it without you. Fuck you because we acctually do need you. And will never understand why one band and not the other when it seems that the choice was indescriminate of talent,or logic. Why give them their shot and not us. we are at the same level, the same newness to your town.
Fuck you for making me feel helpless all day long. For frustrating the hell out of me.
We are rock and roll, we are the future, and you will listen.