Last night I went to
WWE Smackdown. It was really a lot more fun than I expected it to be. There were lots of good matches. There was also this adorable kid next to me who kept a running commentary on what was happening the entire time and who had what signature move and so on. My favorite comment of the night was, "[Rey Mysterio] is way better than seven time World Champion Brock Lesner. You can see [Rey's] athleticism in his eys." Hmm. Athletic eyes, hey? Well, my little wrestling guru, whoever you are - thank you for making my WWE night better.
I've been having a spot of trouble focusing lately. I think I just need a break. Perhaps it's the fact that I'm DMSing (D=during) and hurt a lot, but I don't know. Dad and I are going to see my Gramma in Virginia in a couple of weeks. It should be fun. I have a lot of family up there. Maybe that'll help - if I can make it that long. I guess I have Monday off for Memorial Day. Maybe I'll hide in my now clean room all day.
I also organized my closet. It's sad what I do when I get "the bug". Dad says I can have my computer soon. That'll be good. And then Amy and I are getting DSL. Super W00T. We discussed splitting the time on the phone line, but we realized that we were also getting a third room mate with a computer and sharing one phone line was nuts, so DSL and networking seemed to be our best option. Yay highspeed.
I got my grades. 3As. 1A-. 1B+. 3.8. Rock. Best I've done in a while. I'm pretty proud of myself. I wish I could get my damned cumulative GPA over a 3.5. Oh well. I guess beggers can't be choosers. A lot of people would be satisified with 3.5. Not me. I'm just ass, though.
Dad sent me a cute E-mail when I sent him grades. I had given him a card telling him I was proud of him for opening his own office and doing what he wants. He said:
Ditto - I am proud of you. You are really opening up the interstate highways that are ahead for you. You are the BMW, Corvette and Lexus or Super Cruiser Mac Trucks.
Someone at school should be able to help get your name out to schools and graduate schools and other programs looking for you. No matter what the economy does, people are going to want you.
I love you!
So. This is the Super Cruiser Mac Truck signing off.