Okay, I admit it. Obviously. I've been remiss in the whole reading/watching thing. Um, I'll try to do a highlight post from July and August soon. In the meantime, may I regale you with photos from my weekend at
The readergirlz blog will soon be (or currently is) home to my seattle host blog about the literary events, which were awesome and included me literally shaking in my shoes as I stood across from SE Hinton.
Here are some of my other favorite bits from the festival.
The Old 97's! They're seriously the only music I like in my car. I know the photo doesn't look like much, but it was super-fun.
Helio Sequence. I'm now a big fan. Also, this photo gives a good idea of how the different stages work at Bumbershoot (note the looming Space Needle).
An awesome (seriously, he's on a team called awesome) guy named Ben having fun with the smile shutter feature on my new camera. It senses smiles. Like, it won't snap a photo 'til the subject smiles. And then it just does. You can understand why I am now the proud owner of about eight shots of Ben trying this out. It's addictive.
Me and new friend Craig. He's the one making what he called a "really cute" face. This isn't at actual Bumbershoot; it's at this 24-hour restaurant where I really, really want to host a Mad Men party (um, yeah, but booth gives you a good idea of the decor).
Here's another one of Craig. In this one, I'm being starstruck/swooning in his presence because he was on abc's The Mole.
Ooh, also! Here's my friend Kevin Emerson being awesome, playing drums and simultaneously performing lead singer duties. This is the Board of Education, a band known amongst grownups as Central Services. They rocked; I loved watching tiny kids dance. Kevin rocked all weekend, actually, with two literary events on top of this musical one. Because he is that talented. Seriously.
Somehow, I didn't snap photos of the other awesomeness, but there was totally other awesomeness. It was one of those weekends where I feel like I really am a Seattlite, because I kept running into kids who go to/used to go to and are now freakishly too old to go to the school where I used to work. And assorted other people who I don't see enough.
Yay, Bumbershoot.