Okay, so this officially wins the Latest Report Ever award. Sometimes it gets to be all sunny in Seattle, and girl doesn't do much livejournalin'. Also, sometimes that same girl focuses her non-9-5 typing energy on writing books. That girl is me.
But here it is!
OPEN HOUSE by Elizabeth Berg. I snagged this one off of a table in the office lunch room. I've never read Elizabeth Berg before, and I'm glad I have now. I like the language, which is lyrical without being flowery. I alos liked a lot of the small moments.
LUCY SULLIVAN IS GETTING MARRIED by Marian Keyes. She's a queen of chick lit, so I've wanted to read Marian Keyes for a while. I admit it, though: I only got through half. I just didn't identify with Lucy so much, and the narrative went on and on a bit much for me. I'm going to try another of her books.
IN THE LOOP. Opening night gala for SIFF (Seattle International Film Festival). Kind of an odd choice to be a crowd-pleasr b/c this movie has a totally foul mouth and a pretty British sense of humor, but worth seeing if/when it comes to theaters.
STAR TREK. Saw it at Cinerama when we got out of work at 3:00 on the Fri before Memorial day. My kind of afternoon! Liked it a lot. Sure I didn't understand a lot of references.
THE WIRE, Season Five. I'm finished. I'll miss you, Baltimore cops 'n criminals! I think four was my fave season, but not sure I should be putting that in "writing," because I liked them all, and actually loved season two.
TRUE BLOOD, Season One. Just started. I'm three eps in and enjoying it. Not for the squeamish!
30 ROCK, Season Two. Hahahahaha.
BOTTLE SHOCK. Meh. Liked it enough. The true wine story bits are interesting, for sure.
NEVER BEEN THAWED. Mockumentary that's pretty dang funny, yeah!
BROKEN ENGLISH. Parker Posey. Enjoyable, I think. Elements reminded me of BEFORE SUNRISE/SUNSET, but not as enthralling.
And that's all! Off to kind of a slow start for June . . . might go see UP today.