JESUS GOD MAGDALEN GODDESS!!!! Just look at what was in the New York Post as of today!!
February 14, 2006 -- Batman will use his extensive knowledge of caves to go after a new villain - Osama bin Laden.
DC Comics' famed Caped Crusader will turn his focus from clowns like the Joker to face off against chillingly real al Qaeda thugs in an upcoming graphic novel called "Holy Terror, Batman!"
"It is, not to put too fine a point on it, a piece of propaganda," legendary Batman writer Frank Miller said of his latest project. "Batman kicks al Qaeda's ass."
Miller called the comic "an explosion from my gut reaction of what'shappening now" and "a reminder to people who seem to have forgotten who we're up against."
In the comic, the Dark Knight's hometown of Gotham City is attacked by terrorists, and Batman sets out to settle the score.
"It just seems silly to chase around the Riddler when you've got al Qaeda out there," he said, adding that there's plenty of historical precedent for comic-book icons taking on real-life villains.
"Superman punched out Hitler. So did Captain America. That's one of the things they're there for," Miller said during a panel discussion at a comic-book convention in San Francisco last weekend.
His comments were posted on the Internet by the entertainment site
A spokesman for DC Comics declined to comment. The unfinished project does not yet have a scheduled publication date, and it is unlikely to see print this year.
An industry source said it could be even longer before the graphic novel sees the light of day, because of Miller's hectic schedule. Miller said he has finished 120 pages of the 200-page book, but he's currently writing a monthly Batman comic, and three of his previous comic-book projects are currently heading to the silver screen, including the sequel to his hit comic and movie "Sin City."
Miller's take on an aged Batman coming out of retirement in the "Dark Knight Returns" is widely credited with reinvigorating the comic-book industry in the 1980s, and parts of his story "Batman: Year One" were incorporated into the smash "Batman Begins."
Mmm... very realistic, isn't it? Frank Miller has such an excellent grasp on reality. 1) Al Quaeda is a real threat, worse than global warming or our own governments, which Frank Miller at this stage in his life makes not a peep about... oh, really, Frank?? 2) Sending Batman after these Ay-rabs is the way to tackle them. (Hey, I thought Jim Starlin already did that back in 1988, in "A Death in the Family".... didn't have much success, did he, back then?? I mean Batman: I am not at all responsible for who decides to read these abysmal modern comic strip stories, just for the gimmicks!)
If it hadn't appeared in a newspaper I have heard of: and if I hadn't been referred by Arianna Huffington's site (and you should see what I commented on there!, via, as well - I simply wouldn't have believed it. I would have thought it was an April Fool. From the title alone!
It is a bit suspect, however! As I have said, as I know it's not from a "spoof tabloid"...well, it's either true, or it's misinformation! Probably Frank Miller is being his usual stupid self, and this time it has made him unwittingly "camp". Holy Terror Batman, my arse! It might do as a working title. If he called it just "Holy Terror"...OR, as is the usual format of these graphic novel titles: "Batman: Holy Terror"... (I mean, have you, any comic book fans who visit my site, ever seen a modern comic book with an exclamation point in the title?) rather than "holy terror Batman!" he might, MIGHT, get away with this with the critics... they'd probably let him off by saying he was being "ironic"... it's their usual excuse for rubbish!!
(OMG I just have to tell my friend John (commonplacebook) about this! I hope he's not too busy!)
Hey. I bet the journalist on the original article reversed the word order in the title deliberately, because he thought it'd be more funny. And because he thought quite shrewdly, that that way round, it would still have more "resonance" with the general public, because they'd remember the 60s version... which gives the lie to your theory, Maurice!
Anyway, I'd better not give the Millerscum ideas.
Frank Miller is a Big Fat Idiot. That should be Al Franken's next book. Maybe I should suggest it to him.
Anyway - believe me - the comic in the above news article is all that America, and the comics world, doesn't need.
I bet everybody in the Arab world hates it; and if it is published, it will cause a similar storm to the current cartoon fiasco. (People in Arabic countries such as Syria hated DC's previous foray into "real-world" geopolitics, A Death in the Family, as well: I read it on certain reviews of this on Amazon.)
And back then, things weren't nearly such a tinderbox, as they are now... so... hmm.. yes, really, I think DC Comics will be making a big mistake by the publication of such nonsense! A guy on the huffiingtonpost site has already suggested that Frank Miller is angling for neocon financing!!
Anyway, bet Batman couldn't really catch Osama, for all his skill. (But if he found him, he'd either find a grave, or a guy on a dialysis machine, as others on huffington have already pointed out!)
Anyway. It wouldn't make for a very good fight. Stick to those that love you, Batsy. Like me. Like the Joker. Et al.