And a happy go to hell... I mean! Happy 2008!

Dec 31, 2007 19:09

What better way to bring in the New Year than sitting here in front of the computer, getting caught up with all the LJ entries filling up my flist page, alone in my house with a sick little brother in his room watching Spongebob, and my family at my aunt's house eating delicious Tamales?! Seriously, its great! I want some Tamales, cuz I'm hungry and haven't eaten some in like a year, but I did NOT want to spend my last moments of this crappy 2007 in company of that aunt's family ... cuz I can just hear the conversations, the looks my evil cousins give me cuz they think they're better than me ... blah, blah, blah. I'm happier sitting here, thank you very much!

So, everyone is doing those resolutions posts and its kinda blah, I don't want to do one ... cuz I already did a few days ago at the HP Lounge, so I'll just post what I wrote there here:

1. Get a job

2. Get better grades in college this winter quarter

3. Try to be on the PC less

4. (This contradicts #3) Make all the vids that I have planned in my mind. There's like at least 30 vids that I want to make ... who knows when I'll get around to it.

5. Be nicer to my parents. Even though they drive me crazy, I need to start treating them better. For my sake and theirs.

6. Buy HP merchandise. God, I have like NOTHING HP-related! No Hufflepuff scarf, no wand, NOTHING! *Such a bad HP fan I am*

7. Save up money to go places. Like to get together with online friends across the country and stuff.

8. Exercise and eat better. Well, exercise more, eat in a much healthier way.

9. Get a boyfriend. HAHA! Everyone tells me I need one, I'm just going with the flow! *doh*

10. Draw more fanart, design more stuff, and finish my started fanfics .... I think this should go where #9 is at. lol

So how do I want this new year to go? Better than this one went, that's for sure! This year was just crappy ... I mean, I met lots of you here online, and I loved that, that was probably the best part ... and I met some people back at the dorms who I really like, but other than that, it was a sad, stressful year. Graduated from high school, stopped talking to most of my friends, went to college, stressed out about money, classes, and a certain person that yall should know about if you read my previous friend-only entries that I don't want to name cuz I don't want to make this post friends only ... and now I'm rambling. I did get to see lots of awesome movie this year. This year was like 2003 for me, cuz its was an awesome Blockbuster summer like that year.

I really, really, really hope this year is better. Hopefully I'll get a job soon and start paying my tuition, and hopefully I do better in my classes ... and hopefully we get a BF ...

Ok, I'm going to go check my e-mail and then I'm going to watch the last episode of Pushing Daisies ... and I'll be on AIM if anyone wants to chat...


life: family, holiday, life

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