Ramblings about life + icons and banners + Project Runway

Nov 14, 2007 21:08

Today has been crappy, C-R-A-P-P-Y...I say today has been crappy, C-R-A-P-P-Y!
*-ends singing*

Really, I has been a crappy day. These are the downsides:

1. I woke up later than I thought I was going to wake up. My HW was due at 8 AM, I woke up at 7:30 AM. I had yet to finish two Stats problems, and I didn't get to do them because I didn't have time.

2. I came back like right after I dropped off my HW, and decided to take a nap...the reason why I woke up later than I though was because I only had like 2 1/2 hrs of sleep...so I was tired. So, I was sleeping for already a peaceful hr, when this bitch decides to start talking on the phone. Long story short: she didn't let me get a good sleep. This makes my sleep hrs total to: 4 hrs. Oh, and I totally didn't go to my Linguistics lecture class, I wouldn't have been able to stay awake no matter how much coffee I had consumed.

3. There has been something wrong with me today. I've only just gotten hungry right now, but when I went to eat like around 1PM, I wasn't. I didn't feel sick, or anything, I mean other than tired. The bad thing was that I finally got to sit across from this guy I have a crush on during lunch, and I didn't even had the energy, the drive, to flirt. XD I usually eat like three plates of food, since I only eat one meal a day (excluding my minuscule breakfast), but today I ate a totally of 1 1/2 plates. *What's up with me and fractions today?!*

4. I didn't do so hot in my Linguistics HW. Mostly cuz I didn't know what the hell we were supposed to do. I did it when I got to my discussion class, in hurry, but I got it done.

5. On my way back from Ling. discussion, I discovered I had a flat tire. Now I'll have to walk everywhere for the remainder of the week.

Yet, weirdly enough, I have upside to all the things mentioned above:

1. I FEEL that I did good on my HW. I hadn't studied the material until yesterday, I don't really go to that class, but I understood it and I think I got the right answers. :/

2. Well, not much upside here, only that I at least got some hrs of sleep! XD

3. Not eating a lot means not gaining a lot of pounds. XD And I got to see this guy, who I can't really describe (it hard for me to say which types of guys I like), only he kinda looks like the guys who plays Sylar on Heroes (I can't remember his name at the moment)but he has a kinder look...IDK, I just like him over all the other guys I've seen here so far. I don't even know his name, how he talks, nothing! I just like to look at him, ok! :D

4. I found out I got a B for my Ling. essay...hey, I did NOT expect to do well in that essay, it was horrible, IMO. So, I'm happy about that. :D

5. Walking equals more exercising, right?! And I only have to wait for the weekend, until my dad gets me a new tire. :D

IDK, I'm just in an odd state of content. Maybe its because Project Runway is about to start, maybe is cuz I got the Golden Compass book from my friend, or maybe its a result of last night's awesome TV. IDK.

Hey, I made some The Office icons (spoilers for tomorrow's episode):




And some Fred and George banners for someone at the Lounge:

Dude, I'm watching Project Runway right now: ITS AWESOME!

These people are weird, and more professional than past seasons. And can I just say that I already love the Mexican! I hope he gets to stay long enough, he made am crack up twice and its just like 10 mins in! :D

*Will review the show tomorrow*

tv: the office, life: college, harry potter

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