Ok, so first is first:
So like OMG, I'm telling you, the best moments for me of this show, besides all the other little moments in the episode between them, is the last few minutes of the episode, when we are faced again and again with the trepidation of wanting Booth and Brennan to just say they freaking LOVE EACH OTHER! For god's sake!
On the actual case, meh. I'm usually okay with the cases, and this is no exception, they aren't like House cases though, they don't interest me that much unless they involved a serial killer trying to get Brennan or Booth, or any of the other lackies...what does Booth call them? IDK, it wasn't as shocking as last weeks.
Anyway, next week's episode is the one I'm looking forward to the most. A) They are in Halloween costumes, B) Its Brennan as Wonderwoman vs. Cam as Catwoman, and C) Freaky stuff is supposed to happen, and we love freaky stuff, don't we? I mean, if tonight's episode of House didn't prove that....
Ok, let me get this out the way: HOLY SHIT NEXT WEEK'S EPISODE IS GOING TO FREAKING ROCK!!!!!!
Seriously, Cuddy and House cracking up, the patient being all like the girl from Heroes who copies people, and the secrets are coming out! Oh, and House vs. Foreman = the best!
Ok, enough of that...but OMG, you can't say you can't wait for it, you know you were bitting your nails after you saw that...ok, I guess only if you're a Huddy shipper. :D
Ok, NOW...the episode felt back to normal, there was too little of Wilson, but at least he was there. Too much Cameron not enough Chase, IMO. And can I just say how OLD Cameron looks with her blond hair, seriously. The case was freaky enough and believable enough for me, so it was, like I said, back to normal for me, or I should say ALMOST back to normal, cuz there are still roses to get rid of, and we still need to get the Ducks back under House's wings.
Oh, can I also say this: Cuddy should have her own fashion line, I'm not kidding! Man, the girl wears the sexiest, most colorful, fashionable, office clothes on TV! I wish Jan from the Office would dress like that, yet again, it would be a bit inappropriate with the fake boobs and all, plus she kinda doesn't have a job to wear them to....anyway, back to House. OMG! Huddy needs to happen now! I can't see them together in a scene and not imagine them together doing naughty things, I mean I've always pictured them that way (lol!), but IDK, in this season they've been more flirty with each other than ever before, and I just want them together OK! This WILL be the season that makes us Huddy shippers go wild! :D
This is a sample of one the Office icons I made, which I'll most again in a big The Office batch later in the week, tell me what you think:
Pay not attention to the bad quality, GIMP is stupid in animation.
And last: I actually did a bunch of HW today, and mostly finished it. I had only done like half of the Stats HW when I went to discussion to 'turn it in'. Thank god I found out it was due until tomorrow, though its my first class, and I have yet to finish it. *runs to do it now*
PS. I'm doing a House MD vid with the song from The Offspring, "Pretty Fly." Yeah, um, if you know me and how often I post my vids, expect it to be done in like in year. XD
PPS. I need ideas for my RT fic for
Metamorfic_moon (I hope this is ok to do), these are my prompts, plz be telling me what you would like to read (and even if you don't, I just need ideas):
Day of Determination
Drought Charm: Draught of Peace
Genre: Drama or Romantic Comedy
And just in case I decide to draw something, these are my art prompts:
Day of Peversity
Relashio (spell)
Genre: Drama or Angst
OH, OH, OH, OH!!!! A very Happy BIRTHDAY to
gilpin25!!!! Have an awesome day, girl! *kisses you* Mwah! :D