Aug 18, 2004 16:35
our cat was on top of the car yesterday morning. i tried to reach up and grab him, but he kept scooting just out of reach. my dad kept insisting that chase would jump off once the car was moving, but this isn't true. it's happened before and he didn't leap off. oh no, he just stayed on top, loftily surveying his lands, that whole king-of-the-world thing.
i was FINALLY able to get hold of him and i plopped him down. okay, listen carefully now. i was walking to the other side of the car when i slipped. aside from the fact that it's been rainy the past couple of days and the ground was wet, there was no compelling reason for me to fall down. but i did. i slipped and unsuccessfully tried to catch myself. i fell, not face down, because the gate was there to stop my fall. unfortunately, it wasn't quite near enough. it was at the perfect distance where my face would slam straight into it. and yes, that's what happened. (cut the applause, alright?)
i now have one hell of a bruise on my left knee, another on my left hand. i have a tiny, shallow scratch above my left eyebrow, and that, along with my left cheekbone stings when i touch it. otherwise, i'm alright.
my parents, unsympathetic people that they are, scolded me for not being careful. uhh, yeah. i'm the last person who'd want that happening to me, i can assure you.
go me!
in other news, i have two exam today -- i had one earlier at 7AM, and the next one is in about 15 minutes. i'm so sleepy and i'm sure i did (and will do) horribly on both that i wish i just spend last night watching TV or sleeping because i'm sure i'd get the same results anyway. blrgh.