Jan 02, 2007 20:55
So, here I am. Sitting down to the computer to write something for the DP. Except I can't decide what to write. I should be working on the virtues. I've finished my first drafts of Wisdom, Piety, Vision, Courage, and Hospitality. That leaves Integrity, Perseverance, Moderation and Fertility.
Integrity always reminds me of the Air Force. They drilled that one into us: Integrity means doing the right thing even when no one is looking. Of course, that is the version that works best for their purposes. Still, it's not bad. I suppose I could compare and contrast that with other perspectives on the meaning of integrity. But that really doesn't hold much allure tonight.
Perseverance makes me think of drudgery -- grinding away, year after year. Perseverance is quite possibly the most problematic of the virtues for me as an individual. I'm goal oriented -- there is no doubt about that. However, I am somewhat restless in my hobbies or intellectual pursuits. I find something, dig deeply into it, understand it, and then move on to new challenges. Perseverance seems to imply that you hold on to things longer than I do -- remain interested longer and take it to Olympian levels. That's just not me. I learned to play a musical instrument so I could know how it is done and understand what it is like to do that. I learned to ride a horse so I would know how and own that experience. I didn't want to be a concert clarinetist or some kind of professional horsewoman.
Hmmmmm. Sounds like I have some thinking to do on the topic of Perseverance (what it means to me and in my life). Guess that's what I'll start on tonight.....