Oh huzzah...

Aug 19, 2005 10:30

It's another one of those huge....long-ass questionairre things. I like answering these for some reason. I'm pretty tired and hungry though, so this didn't come out as interesting as it could.

01. Name: Elizabeth Lea Bailey
02. Birth date: 03/27/85
03. Birthplace: Orlando, Florida
04. Current Location: Rhode Island
05. Eye Color: Blue
06. Hair Color: Brown(soon to be with purple highlights!)
07. Height: 5'5"
08. Righty or Lefty: right
09. Zodiac Sign: Aries through 'n through
10. Marital Status: Passively Single
11. Nicknames: Liz, Lizard, Lizzah, Moo, Crazy Moo, Lizzum Spook, Lizardbreath...any other variety of 'Elizabeth' you can think of with the exception of 'Beth'. Call me that and you die.
12. Siblings: 1 older brother(by 6 years)

[x] Other things [x]

13. What did you do yesterday?: Played world of warcraft, went to work, came home, helped with dishes/dinner, watched part of a movie with Ry and Beth, browsed stuff online, played more world of warcraft.
14. What are you doing tomorrow?: Sleep in, hang out doing something fun for a little while, go finish painting my pottery mug thing for McKittens, probably play some more world of warcraft and/or draw later. Exciting me. :D
15. What are you listening to?: My co-workers on the phones. I need new music. DESPERATELY!
16. What country would you most like to visit?: England, Ireland, scotland, australia...
17. What are you most afraid of?: Losing people close to me...dieing before accomplishing everything I want to accomplish in life(death in itself doesn't seem very scary...just...dieing young). Superdeformed humanish things that move fast and are out to eat you alive. Don't see too many of those, luckily.
18. What are you wearing?: Work clothes. Bleagh.
19. What are you thinking about right now?: I'm thinking about trying to understand what else you'd expect me to be thinking about other than what I'm thinking about. I think?
20. If you were a crayon, what color would you be?: Bright blue?
21. One pillow or two, cotton or feather?: One thin cotton one. I need a new one...it isn't quite thick enough.
22. How do you eat a Reese's Peanut Butter Cup?: I try my very best not to...sugar is BAD for zee Liz.
I used to eat the chocolate around the edges first when I was little, then I'd eat the middle part.

[x] Are you.... Answer truthfully! [x]

23. Cool?: Depends on one's definition of 'cool'...if wearing a scary longcoat with silly/geeky shirts and goggles and rambling about geeky things and being silly in public is cool...then yeah.
24. Understanding?: I try my very best to be. Sometimes I think certain things are a little beyond my ability to respond properly to...and sometimes the aries in me causes me to blert things out before thinking about what I'm saying. It's a little complex, but let's just say I try to be but sometimes I'm not on accident...
25. Arrogant?: I sincerely hope not and try very hard not to be, but I think I come across as arrogant sometimes. I tend to be modest in most things, but I know people have pointed out that I sound it sometimes.
26. Insecure?: Not really...
27. Interesting?: Depends on what you consider interesting I guess. I don't consider myself boring at least...
28. Friendly?: I try my best to be!
29. Smart?: Yes...and no. I think there's a difference between being smart and being intelligent...intelligence is all that math, language and science stuff that requires a good memory...something I don't really have FOR those things. I like to think I have good common sense though.
30. Moody?: Not usually.
31. Childish?: In all the best ways, most certainly.
32. Independent?: Somewhat.
33. Emotionally Stable?: Very
34. Shy?: Occasionally
35. Attractive?: Yeah...I didn't ask for it, but I guess I won't complain either. My face tends to be pretty patchy though. Especially if I eat sugar or greasy foodz.
36. Bored Easily?: Depends. At home...never. At work...kinda. I get bored with what I'm doing if I'm not listening to music or doing something else fun along with it.
37. Responsible?: Somewhat. I'm continually trying to be moreso. The memory gives me trouble with that though.
38. Sad?: Sometimes. Not much lately though.
39. Obsessive?: rarely. I must be facinating with these wacky, zany and fun answers, eh? I'm feelin' kinda passive this morning...

[x] What is/are... [x]

40. Your heritage?: Irish, french, english and czek/romanian gypsey. :D
41. Your weakness?: Ehhh...? Weakness in what? Physically? My right ankle...Emotionally? I'm pretty sturdy emotionally. With people looking to capture my attention? Environmentally concerned, fun, non-showoffy geeks. Lots of other things involved there, but that'd take too long.
42. Your fears?: Didn't I say something to this effect already?
43. Your perfect pizza?: olive and mushroom +1, spinach, garlic and mushrooms +5, hawaiian pizza +10! Mmmm
44. Your current Mood?: pretty passive and a little out of it.
45. Your most overused phrase on AIM/AOL/MSN?: :D
46. Your bedtime?: weeknights...I try to get 10:30-11. Weekends...whenever I get tired.
47. The worst song you ever heard: There's a really popular rap song that I hate with a burning passion. I don't know the name of it though. The music sounds like it was thrown together in five minutes in fruityloops and the lyrics are dumb. The music video features the singing guy dancing sexy with scantly-clad women and showing off his musclar bare chest. It. Is. Not. MUSIC.
48. The last thing you ate?: A Stonyfield Farm peach yogurt! Mmmm.
49. The last thing you said?: 'Ummm.'
50. The most embarrassing thing you've done?: I honestly can't remember...I've done lots of embarassing things, but they don't really bother me that much. Nothing really huge and hilarious anyway. I might think of something later and come back to edit.
51. Your room is like?: Right now...dirty. Plastic bags laying everywhere, scattered documents and papers on my desk mingling with dirty dishes, my dirty laundry hamper in the middle of the floor, 'worn once' pants and various overshirts piled over my keyboard, unhung decorations piled up on my dresser, untidy bed and a carpet that is long overdue for a vaccume. I actually plan on cleaning it up a bit tonight. Tis startin' to drive me nuts.
52. Goal you'd like to achieve?: I have way too many to list here...
53. Fallen for your best friend?: Kinda.
54. Made out with JUST a friend?: Nope.
55. Been lied to: Haven't you?
56. Been in love?: Once
57. Been in lust?: Errr...I guess so? Not like...insane 'MUST HAVE SEX NOW!' lust...>.>
58. Used someone?: I hope not...can't really remember.
59. Been used?: Probably.
60. Done something you regret?: But of course...I have many, many regrets.
61. Broken the law?: I don't think so...other than speeding or something, but I've never gotten a ticket, and rarely go more than 5-10 mph over.
62. Broken a bone?: I may have sortof broken a toe once, but nothing major. I've messed up a couple tendons pretty bad though...
63. Cheated on a test?: I used to a lot when I was little. Not any more though.
64. Skinny dipped?: I skinnied just about everything when I was a wee squirmie. Living in florida tends to do that to little ones, I've noticed. I haven't sinse though. >.>
65. Played truth or dare?: Plenty of times...never had anything fun happen because of them though. Why do all these questions reflect the most boring aspects of myself?
66. Kissed someone you didn't know?: nope
67. Been in a physical fight?: No random fistfights at school or anything. Plenty of wrasslin' with my brother though.
68. Ridden in a police car?: Nope
69. Been on a plane?: Many, many times. I love flying!
70. Come close to dying?: I've almost gotten into some pretty nasty accidents sinse I moved here...
71. Been in a sauna?: yar
72. Been in a hot tub?: yer
73. Swam in the ocean?: Mmmm swimming. I prefer fresh water though.
74. Done illegal drugs?: Nope. heh
75. Played a game that required removal of clothing?: we had a shirtless o'clock once at Yume's house...
76. Been trashed or extremely intoxicated?: Nope again! Wow I'm exciting. :D
77. Been called a tease?: Ok...is it just me or are these questions getting exponentially lame? No.
79. Considered a life of crime?: I love being a thief in games, but I'd never do it in real life.
80. Considered being a hooker?: No.

[x] The Last Person... [x]

81. You talked to in person?: my coworkers(duh)
82. You talked to on the phone?: another work person.
83. You instant messaged?: Pat
84. You had lunch with?: I usually just bring my lunch back to my desk and hang out. We went out for lunch a week or so ago...Caren and Sarah and I.
85. You kissed?: Pat...a while ago(we're exes now...but still good friends)
86. Who broke your heart?: Not gonna say that in public.
87. Who kissed you?: Pat...>.>
88. You had physical contact with?: The kitties at the house! I caught them both on the same chair, so I stuck my face in the big mound of fur and went 'blubblubblub!'

[x] Do you... [x]

89. Floss daily?: Hah! No. *no guilt*
90. Own a web cam?: collecting dust somewhere...
91. Ever get off the damn computer?: occasionally
92. Like Parks?: Parks are cool. I prefer the wilds though.
93. Like school?: Hated middle/high school. Hense why I homeschooled the last 3 years. That rocked. College is ok...depends on many things though.
94. Collect anything?: Movie ticket stubs, instruments, video games and dragon stuff. I also have a small pile of tiger plushies and asian flavin.
95. Work?: I'm a terminator. No, really....!
96. Like shopping?: I like shopping if I'm actually buying stuff...and only fun stuff(movies, games, cool/fun clothes, instruments, gadgets, etc).
97. Party?: Sure! Why just the other night in Orgrimmar, we had free booze night because it was monday...the screen got REALLY fuzzy. Plus a couple nights before that we went alliance hunting and raided Astranaar! It was AWESOME!
98. Smoke?: Bleagh...any habit that negatively effects the health of OTHER people should be illegal. I have no pity for smokers, sorry.
99. Sing?: Lots...but only when I'm alone. I sang Karaoke once...I did a vaguely ok job. I hadn't listened to the song I was singing to for months at that point.
100. Have a crush?: Not at the moment.
101. Do you think you've been in love?: I'd like to think so, yes.
102. Want to go to college?: I should be right now...>.>
103. Like(d) high school?: Hated. With a mad, screaming unholy passion. My high school sucked. So I left.
104. Want to get married?: I might someday.
105. Believe in yourself?: Yes!
106. Think you're attractive?: OMFG I R TEH FUGLY! LOLZ!!!111!!11!one!!
107. Get along with your parent(s)?: I love my parents VERY much. And my brother even! *gasp!*

[x] Past Month [x]

108. Drank alcohol?: I've only had sips here and there my entire life...
109. Smoked?: Already answered this...
110. Done a drug?: OMG ADVIL!
111. Had Sex?: Nil
112. Made Out?: Nadda
113. Gone on a date?: Nope
114. Gone to the mall?: this month? I think in the early part...can't remember
115. Eaten an entire box of Oreos?: not this month or ever..o_O
116. Eaten sushi?: several times this month already! Mmmm.
117. Been on stage?: no
118. Been dumped?: nope
119. Gone skating?: nah
120. Made homemade cookies?: not for a long while...the whole 'this month' thing was kindof restrictive on those questions...

[x] Opposite Sex [x]

121. Best eye color: doesn't matter
122. Best hair color: ditto
123. Short or long hair: I love long hair on a guy for some reason...particularly if it's an old mideval style or something.
124. Height: whatev
125. Best weight: eh...I don't think I'd be very comfortable with someone who's very overweight, but I don't mind a little pudgy or something. I particularly find lean attractive though...not muscular, lean.
And I'm adding in my own question, because I think it's important: Macho or Gentlemen: Gentlemen ALL the way. :p
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