I have lived in Bristol for almost six years now, and yet
this shocks and saddens me for more than anything that has happened here, including the recent rioting (although it was nothing here compared to other cities).
Jersey is such a nice place and it feels like a haven to me. Part of my love of the place is due to many of my favourite fannish memories stemming from trips to the Island, but most of it is because it's beautiful, has an abundance of sea - have I mentioned I love the sea? - and is so tranquil. I've spent only 3-4 weeks there in total over the past 4 years, but both Meesh and I stepped off the plane last weekend and couldn't stop grinning because we were home.
St Helier is the biggest place on the island, but it's still only a small town. It's also our base when we visit. It just feels so safe (and the article says their last murder was around 2004! That seems shocking to me now, having gone to uni in Hull - where dead bodies turned up in gardens fairly regularly - and living in Bristol where you hear of occasional stabbings and shootings). I know this seems to be an isolated incident, and I know Jersey doesn't have an unblemished past, but still, I can understand why the locals are so shocked. I was, and I don't even live there.