I have a list of secret questions that are all answered with a person's name.
Next to each number, I write only the name of the person who fits.
Don't tell the questions to anyone who isn't doing the meme.
lozzy 02:
sesaworuban 03:
jooo 04:
netgirl_y2k 05:
mookie_chan 06:
fissijo 07:
babylil 08:
femslash_today 09:
la_chiquita 10:
roomfor2 11:
meeshy 12:
mattimooz 13:
pantherjumper 14:
fissijo 15:
alocin42 16:
meeshy 17:
kitkat90 18:
psychostace 19:
fissijo 20:
truestepper 21:
meeshy ,
fissijo ,
psychostace 22:
meeshy ,
fissijo 23:
katana137uk 24:
soul_sound 25: