Dancing on Ice - Week 7

Feb 24, 2008 20:58

Pre routine ramblings

So I don’t think we’ve got Nicky this week as his wife’s just had a baby (literally today)… I wonder if we’ll get a guest judge or old judge in case of a tie.

*cracks up* instead of going for quality we’re going for quantity - LOVE Kristina!

I fear Chris is going to piss me off by pulling off doing an Axel.

Ooooh, Holly has a nicer dress today.

Does Dan have the same shirt in different colours? I’m sure he’s worn the yellow one of that pattern before. It must be standard ‘country’ pattern.

I don’t think we’ve had the UNassisted jump before (we’ve had assisted jump) - this could be interesting. Especially as it’s similar to last week in that they have to jump but they get to choose the jump - hence Chris’ Axel.

OMG we have got Nicky. Should he really be there?? If I was his wife I’d be rather annoyed.

Zaraah and Fred

[T] Oh yellow is not their colour. And poor little Fred is Melanie-less this week. *hugs him*. He was in my dream last night.

[S] Please let her pull this off. Hmmmm, not going that well. That was a really good routine (with Chasing Cars assisted jump in it!) but she was a bit uncertain and the walkover thing went a bit wrong. But had it been done well it would have been fab! OMG how is Fred looking younger again?? If they’re in the skate off again they have to pull out all the stops.

[J] Sadly quite accurate comments. I really want to see that routine done well (on the tour maybe?). But I’d settle for not seeing it again if it means they’re spared the skate-off.

[Score: 18.5]

Greg and Kristina

[T] Hehe, bunny ears. Cuuuuuuuute Kristina tonight. They didn’t specify the jump had to be an actual skating jump. Fools!

[S] Oooh, did Kristina stumble? Hehe, always the nodding dog. Ooof, he fell. I do feel that’s his fault for putting so many jumps in. Weirdly edited music. Quite a fun routine, just a bit unpolished on the random last set of jumps.

[J] Their highest score. Hehe, Ruthie talks sense - don’t ask Jason!

[Score: 17]

Gareth and Maria

[T] Maria’s looking younger too. What are they doing to the pros??

[S] Last week’s move is back! Hmmm, I think something went wrong there in the middle. Best routine of the evening so far, that was really nice.

[J] Ohhh, it was a lift that went wrong. I wondered what happened.

[Score: 23]

Linda and Daniel

[T] Oh no, I want her not to jump, not to be good at it! :oO She broke Dan! He’s by no means my favourite pro but I don’t want him broken.

[S] Have they stuck her in Andrei’s old shirt? Oh, stumble. *cracks up* awesome way to get stuck! She also kicked him in the shoulder with her skate. That was a cringey routine. Not the way it was performed but the actual choreography.

[J] Oh Ruthie letting me down. Don’t be a fan of Linda!

[Score: 19]

Jump week is killing everyone! Although better that way than just Fred and Zaraah having issues. It levels the playing field a bit.

Chris and Frankie

[T] No, you didn’t deserve to be top. Well said. Nice that Frankie has so little faith in him! Realistic but he doesn’t need to hear that.

[S] Really nice routine. Only a tiny stumble on a random easy move. And I loved Frankie’s spin - so pretty! Did he actually just punch the air when he landed the axel? Two footed and not enough turns but still.

[J] DAMN THEM!!! it is only the second routine of his that I’ve liked so I’ll let them off. Though I’m gonna get some serious stick for that at work tomorrow. He’s gonna end up breaking Kyran and Melanie’s records.

[Score: 27]

I feel my DoI obsession is common knowledge - so far I have had texts from 6 different people this evening about DoI, both online and RL friends! It amuses me.

Suzanne and Matt

[T] Oh don’t show the row again, I’m sick of it. I want her leg warmers!

[S] Fab! And no mistakes that I noticed.

[J] YES!!! Finally some recognition! Equal to Chris. No… yay for Ruthie, she actually beat him!

[Score: 27. No… 27.5]

You’d think the last two would make more mistakes after seeing everyone else stumble, but no!

Chris may have landed the axel but Suzanne’s whole routine was perfect and his wasn’t!

This week has been the best week so far. Even with all the stumbles and falls it was most enjoyable and had the best routines we've seen so far.

Skate Off

I may have voted even more than usual this week. I’ll leave you to guess where those votes went.

By rights it should be Linda vs Greg this week.

Bless Fred “I don’t wanna be in the skate off!” If they are there (which is quite likely) I hope they nail it.

*holds breath* Well duh, Chris is safe.

Why does it look like Greg has Kristna ANDMaria?

Suzanne’s safe!

Wow, Zaraah’s popular tonight!

Uh oh, Greg is safe, does that mean we have Zaraah vs Linda? Please don’t let them go out when Melanie isn’t there to console Fred.

Oh no, Linda vs Zaraah. Please please please save Zaraah. Well, Fred.

Pretty much equal footing as it stands right now I think.

Zaraah - I’m not sure if she pulled off the jump but the routine was so much better this time! More confident, better lifts and she looked happier. Fred practically catapulted her on the first lift and lifted her higher on the last.

Linda - She did the jump but not as well as the first time. And the swiss roll was better but still didn’t work right. That outfit is so unflattering!

*crosses things* PLEEEEEEEEASE?

Crying Karen is back! Oh oh one more please? YESSSSSSS!!!

Zaraah and Fred get all five votes! I thought it would be 2-3 though wasn’t sure in whose favour.

How had Greg not been in the skate off yet? Are they his fans or Kristina’s?

Props week next week… I fear for Kristina’s safety.

tv - dancing on ice

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