Dancing on Ice - My Thoughts (updated)

Jan 13, 2008 21:24

Not written as I watched for the simple reason I was sprawled on my bed as close to the TV as possible laughing a lot. Also I copied and pasted the names and scores of
fissijo and just changed the comments. Some say lazy, some say initiativeful. Or they would if it was a word.

Yay, awesome pro routine - my mouth was hanging open I think!

Greg and Kristina
She really does look better in a skirt or hotpants, but I can get over that. Not sure about Greg yet, but I want him to stay so we get more Kristina.
[Score - 13]

Suzanne and Matt
I like her. She was the celeb I thought it was most likely I would be supporting (I said celeb, clearly my love for the pros still comes first), and she did well.
[Score - 19]

Aggie and Sergey
I really don't care about this paring so they can happily leave and I'll probably forget they were ever in it.
[Score - 10.5]

Tim and Victoria
Baaaad! I think I may quite like Victoria if she gets to stay and ever talks.
[Score - 13.5]

Natalie and Andrei
He looked good *nods*
Ummmm, yeah, it was okay. She might be alright.
[Score - 15]

Steve and Susie
Ummmm, not a stand out performance for me, but I think they'll be staying for a while.
[Score - 15]

Sarah and Fred
How on earth has Fred got even younger? It's bad enough puberty never reached his face but he's aging backwards now?!
I thought they were better than the score shows, and was actually impressed with Sarah
[Score - 11.5]

Chris and Frankie
Good song, lively routine - shook things up a bit! I agree with the judges though - needs refining. Also, Frankie normally doesn't look that good yet in the training shots with less or no makeup she looked really good... unfair!
[Score - 20]

Samantha and Pavlov Pavel
Um, no real skating. I'll give her a grace period of this week as she was so ill but she better get good, fast!
[Score - 15.5]

Michael and Mel
I adore Melanie even more than before! And Michael won my support by supporting her when she stumbled. And by being funny. But what did Mel do to the costume staff???
Clearly gets my vote even though he needs to get practising if he wants to go all the way. I'm glad the judges don't penalise for the pros' mistakes.
[Score - 16.5]

Linda and Dan
Another one who seemed to be quite carried. Did not desrve that score.
[Score - 16.5]]

Gareth and Maria
Not bad. Not sure I like Gareth though, unless his attitude changes. I have a soft spot for Mel Maria though, so I'll watch with interest.
[Score - 17.5]

I think overall regardless of skill the best matched partnerships are Frankie&Chris and Mel&Michael.

Phew! Melanie and Kristina are safe! I really hope Sarah and Fred aren't in the skate off. Or that if they are they don't go.

Nooooooooooooo! Poor baby Fred's gone :o( It's not looking hopeful for having Fred and Mel on the tour if he's gone already and her partner has an actual job outside of DoI.

But what is with everyone tonight? First they call Maria Mel and then they call Fred Palascak Fred Pavel!! Pavel's a large eastern European... Fred's a small prepubescent American. Not the same person.

tv - dancing on ice

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