
Feb 27, 2006 10:00

This morning as I was letting out the dogs, some peroxide-blonde came traipsing into my backyard and asked if I'd seen her dog.

Um, no.

She leaves. Not 5 seconds later, a spastic Jack Russel comes flying up onto my porch right behind MY dogs.


So you're the little devil that ran away, eh?

I snatch up said pooch and let my dogs in, wrestling with the tag on the trmebling dog's collar. With my free hand I dial my phone and get what I assume is the Butler whateverthefuck handling the licenses for pets. I get the owner's number and call that.

Some kid answers, not the one listed as the owner either, but evidently is their dog. They say "but I don't have a ride" and I'm wondering if this is the same person I saw asking, or someone else. The father gets on, and over the baby screaming in the background, I hear "can you bring her over?"

First of all, I don't know where they live so I don't know how close it is, or directions there.

Second and most importantly, I am supposed to be at the hospital having bloodwork and a bone scan done (although I canceled the bone scan, don't care for radioactive materials in me, kthnx) and I say well, I had somewhere to be... nevermind the fact my husband is now handling BOTH our dogs and our daughter who has decided that cereal is is SWORN ENEMY and we're killing her with it.

Oh yes, I'm going to jump in my car, with some freaked out dog who is ALREADY causing my sinuses to stuff up, and my arms to itch. Hey, I've got allergies to animal dander but I still like them so I didn't want the poor thing being stolen or run over!

So the guy says ok, I'll have my neighbor take my daughter to school and come by to pick up the dog.

Fine by me. I put up the baby gate between the living room (where our dogs are) and the kitchen (where THIS dog is). I kill time by doing dishes (which I normally don't do because it's hard on my back and legs).

Maybe an hour later, or more, the neighbor FINALLY shows up to get the dog. Knocks on the front door, I go to get the dog and take her around front and she's in the living room. Motherfucking dog jumped the gate! Crapped and pissed on our carpet (granted, it was stained before but we JUST GOT IT CLEAN!)

The neighbor didn't even say a word to my husband. We never got a call back saying THANK YOU

You'd think they'd care enough about their dog to THANK someone for saving it when it's COLD out and the dog could get HURT. But NO!

I wouldn't mind so much if they'd come for it right away, but I missed my appointment and spent the whole day in bed because I had to take a full dose of Benadryl to keep from sneezing my head off and itching off all my skin. Kid you not. whole day wasted because of a good deed.
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