You Said What....

Dec 04, 2007 13:59

It has happened... the unthinkable...the kiss of death as far as a single twenty something is concerned.

There I was conversating with a girl about nothing of importance when the dreaded question was asked
"Are you dating anyone?"
Of course I thought about lying and creating a fictitious wonderful boyfriend that would make McDreamy look like a loser, but I figured that I should tell the truth because in this case I would have to maintain the lie and to be honest I don't  have the energy for that. So I said no and made a little quip about my lack of romantic fortitude. And then she said it....
"You know, my cousin did the online dating thing and she seems to really like it...."

Seriously, do I have DESPARATION printed in magic ink on my forehead? Why would you mention this to me? Am I that far gone that I must auction myself on Ebay?

For Sale 1 soon to be spinster
Witty, Sarcastic, can cook if a microwave is involved...
Interested? Current Bid:1 terrible blind date at Applebees

I have been handed the most devastating blow one could imagine... Online dating... Oh the humanity.....
Has my stock fallen that much that I must be reduced to the suggestion of online dating. Tis a sad day in Liz Land. I know she was just trying to be helpful and kind but give me a break. Instead of saying "Chin up lady you'll find someone" it came out like, "Well before you die miserable and alone you should try online dating. Its a shot in the dark but give it a go"...
Not to mention that it is almost Christmas time and my birthday is less than a month away... Way to go lady. I feel just awesome about myself right now. Its not like I'm 45 and you suggested that. If i was 45 I probably would already be online trying to date someone... but I still live in an alternative reality where I can go to a bar and meet someone worth the skin and brain power they are composed of. Call me a dreamer I guess... 
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