(no subject)

Dec 05, 2004 03:19

Brief update on the past two days:

1) Last night with Travis went very well. He was on much better behavior. Maude's was beautiful and I learned how to play chess. Even beat him once!

2) Went Christmas Shopping with Dustin today. Got lots of stuff for my parents, a little something for Katie, and visited with the A-team kids (lil bro' Devin, Kris and Shane, as always) as they took a break from competing to visit the mall. Got a hug from Mr. Shoe (my 10th grade English teacher/A-team coach) and helped Devin shop for Kristen (ew).

3) Dinner at Momo's with Dustin (mmmm...momo's!) and then Bridget Jones' 2 with none other than shaynester. It was worth seeing it a second time just for the Hugh Grant/Colin Firth fight scene. haha.

4) Planning for SPORK SEARCH 2004 is underway! Katie and I did some brainstorming to come up with a t-shirt design since I need to order them, like, NOW. I think I came up with something good, but I want to show Katie (or Sarah, if she's alive) first before I go ahead with it.

SPEAKING OF SPORK SEARCH. If you read this and you have ever been to a Spork Search in the past three years, you're automatically invited to the 4th annual spork search. Those who haven't been before should have already been invited by now, so if you have any questions, let me know. SPORK SEARCH = DECEMBER 20, 2004!!!!! In honor of this, let's remember the year's of the past...

Spork Search 2001, the original. A small, but wonderful group. Sarah, Adam (glad he gave up the blue hair), Nirali, Ronnie and me, with Neha behind the camera.

Spork Search 2002 we sucked and couldn't get shirts together. Very sad. We took a picture together, but I never got a copy of it (*ahem*)
Spork Search 2003! Third tine's the charm! Devin, Sarah, Josh, Nirali, Katie, Neha, Me and Kris.

And finally, the infamous: Josh's Humongous Head picture. This was exactly how Busch Gardens printed it. No editing involved. I promise.
Also note, yes, I'm doing the "Nu class" sign. I'd just been inducted... I was a little overzealous =)

dustin, travis, christmas, spork search

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