(no subject)

Nov 27, 2004 13:01

Yesterday turned out to be quite good times.

Got to talk to Waxlax for about 45 minutes on the phone, which was definitely good. Caught up on each others' lives and agreed that we need to talk more. Somehow, we'll find the time.

Then Devin, Shane, and Kris showed up for my shin-dig (Shane brought me the OC soundtrack vol. 2 for my bday! yay!). I invited Travis (my ex who loooooves to give me a hard time about everything) and Ashley (who had fallen asleep after work and said she would come later) as well. So after about 30 minutes, Travis calls and says he's coming. So he gets here, the pizza gets here, we all chow down and then attempt 1000 blank cards.

I have no idea if we were playing it how you're supposed to, but we had a hella good time anyway. I was the only one actually making artistic cards that could be used again, but there were definitely some creative cards on all ends. My personal favorite was my Trogdor card, but I'm biased ;)

So then we brought out Cranium. Since Ashley never showed, it left us with an odd number of people. So since Devin and I won both times last time, Kris and Shane decided they deserved the extra person. So, Travis went to their team. Well, it turned out to be far too beneficial for them. They ended up winning both games, even though the second game we were only 3 cards behind. Dammit. Funniest moment: Shane misreading the card that said: "Dam" and building "DNA" out of clay instead. LMAO. Devin and I just thought it was the crappiest dam we'd ever seen...lol. Kris, Travis and Shane became team "AZN", a play off of "asian", since Kris is asian.

So then we played another game of 1000 blank cards... Travis and Kris made an alliance and were helping each other out, so I made a card blocking alliances. In the end we all pretty much just ganged up on Travis until he had so many negative points he couldn't even keep track. muwahhaa.

We sat around talking for about another two hours (even though Travis said he'd probably only stay an hour when he first got there... i bet devin he'd stay until at least 1 AM), but eventually everyone had to leave. Quote of the evening from Travis, even though it made no sense: "I'm too white to be gay." Ummm... that's a new one! lol.

Walked everyone out and said goodbye. Travis stayed an extra 30 minutes or so longer than the rest and we talked for a bit. Reminisced about some good times back two years ago on my birthday. Hard to believe it was two years ago already... anyway, it was after 3 AM by that point and I was like: "Travis, we both live in Gainesville. We're going to be in concert band together. We can talk then." Basically, I kicked him out. lol.

I'm not ready to go back to Gainesville. I wish I didn't have to leave today, but I want to avoid the traffic. Yarr.

quotes, arcadia, waxlax, devin, travis, 1000 blank cards

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