Conversations with drunkards...

Aug 29, 2004 13:52

So Friday was just the daily grind... class, reading, etc. I'm feeling very confident in my schedule this semester and the apartment setting is much more condusive to getting actual work done. I'm so much more on task and focused this year, and I know a lot of that can be attributed to the new environment. The dorm was just constant temptation to avoid work.

Friday night, Michael, Owen and I went and had sushi at Panda's. Michael worked there Spring semester, so everyone was swarming us trying to talk to him. Very cute. Sushi was yummy, as usual, even if the woman put waaay too much cream cheese in everything. Then we made a mandatory trip to Walmart. I called Shelcie to see if she wanted to come, and as it turns out, she was already there with Elaine. So we met them there. I bought an Olympic highlights DVD which as a TON of classic moments from all the old Olympics, including the Australian swimmers winning the gold in the relay in 2000. *swoon*

So then yesterday I went to lunch with Dustin at Panera and then we drove around town doing errands together. He took me to pick up my plate at Do-Art and then to University Copy to buy my packets for class(es). We looked around Florida Bookstore for TKE stuff and then came back to my place. I've decided I'm going to get him a ticket to see Phantom for his birthday. Woot!

Then I worked on my resume all afternoon for MMC2100. In the process I started seriously considering where/when I want to do an internship. Crazy.

At 11 PM, I left the apartment dressed in my best attempt to look like a cowgirl (which Liz tries to avoid at all costs), so that basically meant a western-ish looking shirt and cap-guns/holsters that I found at Walmart. Nothing quite like firing a cap-gun in a party full of drunk people and then watching their reactions =). Lisa and Allison were both drunk off their asses. Allison was falling all over the place and kept coming up with weird off the wall facts so I said: "Allison, you're really nerdy when you're drunk." And then she fell on the floor in laughter. lol. Lisa, meanwhile, was insisting she wasn't drunk. In comparison to Allison she was better off, but not by much. I spent most the time with Patrick and B2's friend Will because they too were sober. Patrick took some cute pictures, including an adorable picture of me and Oded, so yay!

For the first time ever, I stayed to the end of a party. B2 and I finally pushed Lisa out the door after she was done telling everyone about her shopping addiction. That's ok, Jill was in "If my eyes are closed and my mouth is open I'm talking to God" mode too. LOL. Walking out to the car Lisa was zig-zagging So I took her home first, then B2. Both are 21 now and have assured me that if I ever need anything to say, stock my fridge, I'm good to go =).

Good times. Another fun night, no alcohol needed.

stealthy sheep, phi sig, michael, shelcie, dustin, olympics

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