(no subject)

Jun 15, 2004 18:54


So yeah, I'm officially not going to the Dashboard concert. I'm really upset about it, but there's not much I could do. Devin's parents wouldn't let him go because "it rains in the afternoon!" and "your sister stayed overnight when she went to her first concert!" etc. So, I'll be stuck in Arcadia tomorrow, singing Dashboard songs to myself. ARGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Laura, Rachel and Natalie: Send a phone call my way at some point during the show!!!

At least Rachel is going to buy my ticket from me, so I'm not losing money. I think I would be twice as upset if I was losing the money.

And the stress about the apartment continues...

Rachel's parents aren't exactly thrilled with the idea of her living with two boys she's never even met, so it doesn't look like that option is going to be available. Without that option, I'm left with three others:

1) Dalia returns and all is right in the apartment world.
2) Lexington somehow has a three BR apartment available to move us to. I'm not thrilled with this, because my ideal living arrangement wouldn't be living with two boys on my own, especially since I'm not that close with Owen. BUT, it's better than option 3...
3) Lexington splits the three of us up, we become random roommates in other people's rooms, and we're basically 100% screwed.

UGH. I never even thought about the possibility of Dalia not returning to school. And now all this stress has been put on me because I know that if she leaves the lease, it's going to become my responsibility to work out the rest of the mess, while Owen and Michael continue to enjoy their summer. *sigh*

In happier news, Sarah brought me a surprise yesterday. I thought it might be Adam (aka my "big brother"), and I was right!

Adam, Sarah and I chillin' at my house.

Adam and Sarah talk...

Adam's ear...

Sarah crashes...

stealthy sheep, dalia, sarita

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