Feb 28, 2006 16:48
'Tis the start of a good afternoon.
Upon entering the basement of the anthropology department, guess who I saw? Jamie! He was talking with a friend but he recognized me (thankfully... I would have been really sad if he hadn't), and waved and asked how I was. Man, I need to spend more time in that basement!
Alas, I had lab to go to and couldn't stay to chat. After an extremely long lab (everyone ended up having to stay after to finish it), I caught my bus. Earlier that morning, I'd seen Heidi get off the bus with the same driver and she said: "Get ready for a fun ride!" I was disappointed when nothing special happened. But this afternoon, I realized what she meant. The main bus driver was training a young girl to drive the bus. So she was driving, he was supervising. To make things fun, he got on the intercom and started cracking jokes. He had us sing "Happy Birthday" to a random girl on the bus, and then we played a dating game to see who would win a date with her on her "birthday." In the end one contestant got off the bus before it was over, one had a girlfriend, and another was married already. So by default, Zack won the dating game.
It was so nice to have a bus driver that was actually having fun with his job for a change. Dalia, Shelcie and I were just complaining about how awful our bus services have gotten this year, so it was definitely refreshing to have someone with a sense of humor today. I'm still smiling. A simple smile and light-hearted joke can go so far to brighten a person's day.
bus drama,
ta jamie