School school go away.

Aug 24, 2005 01:59

Woke up this afternoon to find Dalia and Shelcie chillin' in the living room. At 3 p.m., Dalia decided it was the perfect time to go running. Dalia is apparently a little warped and thinks that "temperature 90, feels like 100" is the perfect sort of weather. *shakes head* Shelcie opted to run with her, instead of waiting to run with me in the evening, so I said screw it, I'll go too. Then Terry and Michael decided to as well, so our entire apartment went out running together. lol.

Of course, being non-runners, Shelcie and I had to revert to walking long before Dalia, Michael or Terry got tired, so we fell behind. We continued jogging/walking spurts around our neighborhood, but eventually just had to walk the rest of the way. Dalia had estimated our neighborhood "square" at just over a mile. I drove around and measured it tonight. It's 1.8 miles. Shelcie and I came back and collapsed... never again will I attempt running/walking 1.8 miles in temperatures that feel like 100. Only evenings for me, thanks. Other than the overwhelming heat, it wasn't bad. I plan to continue doing the square... I like it better than the track.

Unfortunately my joints are now so sore that I may have to take tomorrow off from this new regiment. I'm waking up parts of my body I haven't used in years (I have never enjoyed running, but I occassionaly force myself to do it).

Coincidently, tomorrow is the first day of school as well. I have Communication on the Internet, which is apparently being taught by one of the same instructors I had last Spring (a grad student) and Fact Finding (all by my lonesome). Back to the daily grind.

dalia, gym, shelcie, lexington

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