stolen from Oregon-Dan

Aug 18, 2005 02:54

1. Go here.
2. Pass it on.

1.~How did you meet somethingdumb? Phi Sigma Pi
2.~What would you do if you had never met sexxyb? I would have had less fun at UM SS back in the day.
3.~What do you honestly think of teribeth? She's a cool girl, and I think she's pretty happy with how things have happened for her lately =)
4.~Would or did meagles5 and baldghoti go out? No. Definitely not.
5.~Have you ever liked dbcjr285? Not in that way, no.
6.~If callmeloki died tomorrow, what is one thing that you would need him/her to know? That I love him dearly =)
7.~Would lizlense and darwinfish make a good couple? No. Considering lizlense is my own photojournal. lol.
8.~Describe j_theburninator in 3 words: the only three words possible: SFQ!! haha
9.~Do you think shaynester is hot? Hellllz yeah. Still climaxing, thanks ;)
10.~Would callmeloki and beckyaya make a lovely couple? Haha.. no.
11.~What do you think of when you see baldghoti? watching tv episodes of Scrubs or being nerdy together.
12.~Tell me something humiliating about darwinfish: Don't know him well enough for that.
13.~Do you know any of childoffenris's family members? Can't say I do.
14.~What's meagles5's favorite color? Ouch. Um... I have no clue. Blue? Green?
15.~On a scale of 1-10 how cute is loubyrd? 10 of course =)
16.~What would you do if thisgirliknow just professed their undying love for you? I would be a little freaked out, I'm not going to lie.
17.~What language does meagles5 speak? English. Music ;)
18.~Who is jmcptbackfire going out with? Christina. I think.
19.~Is apogal a boy or a girl? Girl.
20.~Would callmeswift and thisgirliknow make a good couple? Hmmm... if Bob didn't already have a girlfriend, they might.
21.~Who do you think killerbcrazy would be great with from this list? Uhhh... I suppose Bob. But not really.
22.~When was the last time you talked to shaynester? Just a few minutes ago.
23.~What is dbcjr285's favorite band? Don't know!
24.~Does lizlense have any siblings? No she doesn't.
25.~Would you ever date childoffenris? No, that whole "don't date friends' exes" thing.
26.~Would you ever date j_theburninator? If I were a lesbian. But I'm not.
27.~Is killerbcrazy single? Yes.
28.~What is meagles5's last name? Lo... that's good enough ;)
29.~What is callmeswift's middle name? Definitely don't know.
30~What is teribeth's fantasy? having her mother let her be completely independent ;)
31.~Where does apogal live? Arcadia
32.~Would you make out with somethingdumb? I suppose if we were really, really, REALLY drunk it could happen, but I don't ever drink that much. LOL.
33.~Are sexxyb and childoffenris best friends? No, they've never met.
34.~Does j_theburninator like meagles5? Again, they've never met.
35.~How did you meet callmeswift? He came with Jeff and Andrew to the beach so many years ago.
36.~Is shaynester older than you? Yes, by about six months.
37.~Is beckyaya the sexiest person alive? She's right up there with shaynester =)


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