
Aug 10, 2005 13:25

Saw the Island with my Dad in Port Charlotte yesterday. It was good in that completely unrealistic, let's crash lots of really nice cars and see how many product placements we can fit in one movie, sort of way. And, well, with Ewan McGregor and Scarlett Johansson in it, it was absolutely beautiful to watch. I must say, the most humorous/amusing parts of the movie were inside jokes with Ewan, really. There were tons of Ewan/Motorcycle jokes and moments that I don't think anyone would get if they didn't know about Ewan's obsession. His Scottish character in the movie even calls himself a "petrol-head," which I'm pretty sure Ewan calls himself in Long Way Round. Steve Buscemi, who I absolutely adore, had another comedic role. All in all, a good summer movie, although not something I'd really care to see again.

Charley Aftermath
Afterwards we had lunch at Sunsplash, a health-food store that Sarah and I used to frequent a lot. On the drive back, there was a wreck or construction on Kings Highway, so we ended up having to circle around and drive through Punta Gorda to get home to avoid all the traffic. It was only the second time I'd been to Punta Gorda post-Charley (Punta Gorda is where Hurricane Charley made landfall), so it was interesting to see. The McDonalds there by the Punta Gorda bridge never reopened, so it's golden arches are still twisted and mangled pretzel-style outside a roof-less building. Freaky. Plus, they completely demolished the Cultural Center where I had my dance recitals for so many years (it was right by the water and severely damaged by the storm). Sad.

This morning I woke up early and headed to the high school to visit Sulzman. My mom said procedures had changed since the Jessica Lunsford (sp) abduction case a couple months ago, and that I should be prepared to have to go through a bit of complications in order to get a visitor pass. But no, I walked into the front office, Mrs. Newbold saw me and had me sign in as she filled out a visitor pass with my name that said: "Destination: Mr. Sulzman" without even having to ask. *laughs*

My high school is now on a seven-period schedule (we were in block scheduling back in my day), and my mom told me the wrong class change time so I got there at 10:10, RIGHT as the bell to change classes rang. I was forced into an awful high school regression of having to push my way through the halls from the office to the band room, which are on completely different ends of the school. *twitch* Sulzman got a good chuckle out of that. He was "teaching" a music appreciation class at the time, which meant he handed out worksheets and had them watch the Sound of Music while we chatted in the hall way. He had me fill out a volunteer form, I guess more of the procedures with the abduction case. Anyway, I'm now apparently a volunteer for him. Again. Funny too because one of the check boxes was: Youth: (20 and under) or Adult (21-49). He had me check adult, since the next time I visit I'll probably already be 21. Ahhhhh!

We filled each other in on gossip and caught up. Apparently the first football game is next Friday, so I might go to that, even though the band won't really be prepared. I told him the FSU game WAS the day after my birthday so I wasn't sure what I was going to do and he just gave me this devilish look and said: "No Venice Parade then, eh?" (from when he joked that he'd take me drinking for my 21st if I went to the Venice Parade). Good times. I stayed through that class and then his lunch, but left at 11:30 as his next music appreciation class came through. I miss high school band more than anything, but I certainly don't miss high school. Especially not Desoto High School.

hurricane charley, sulzman, arcadia, ewan mcgregor, movies

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