The good times are killing us...

Jul 09, 2005 01:53

Chateau Lexington
So apparently our apartment is going to be a hotel this weekend for Owen's parents, and maybe Michael's parents as well, thanks to Hurricane Dennis. Both Owen and Michael are from Pensacola and as of right now, that's where the Hurricane is predicted to be heading. Now, normally I wouldn't mind this. However, I do mind considering that Owen has made arrangements to sleep at a friend's house and desert me with his parents and teenage sister. This I'm not happy about. Did I mention that I have a macro test on Monday? *sigh*

Auntie Em!
Devin and I went hurricane shopping tonight, even if it might be pointless. First, we headed to Barnes and Noble. I searched for Where's Waldo books (I watched I love the 90s today) and puzzles to keep me busy if the power goes out, and then joined Devin in the "New Age" section. I looked through horoscopes and astrology books while he looked for new Wicca books. Afterwards, we had a lovely dinner at Outback, followed by supply shopping at Publix. Publix was surprisingly quiet, and we were able to get the necessities (water, batteries, Ben & Jerry's).

Interesting movie/documentary. Some parts creeped the hell out of me, some parts were a little too drawn out and... self-absorbed? Still, disturbing and fascinating all at the same time.

michael, devin, lexington, hurricanes, movies

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