Jun 02, 2005 23:24
Fun day... This just in: Travis shaved the beard! And Adam sent me the picture to prove it! WOOO (I know some of the other Ktown people are happy to hear that).
Didn't study for the Reporting test, just read my notes/course pack on the way to the test. Got a 90.23 =). It was soooo easy. I know what I missed too, because there were only like three or four questions I was iffy on.
Then came home, watched the National Spelling Bee with Mishy because we're nerds (the kid we wanted to win came in second... boooo). Then we lounged around a bit before meeting Shirley, Alex and Matt Mc. for dinner at Satchel's. Good company and yummy pizza in a hippie style restaurant makes me happy =).
When I got home, I had my next assignment for INsite waiting for me. She's given me the COVER STORY for next month, which is a feature on Scarlett Johansson. Now, Scarlett is one of my favorite actresses as you know from my previous entries, so this will be a pretty fun article to write. My editor instructed me to get good quotes... to which I wrote back and asked: "How?" I assume this is all just research based because I highly doubt that INsite has the connections to do real interviews, so I'm wondering how this works...
Ah, this type of journalism (aka, entertainment journalism) is so much less stressful than news. And yet I still want to do newspaper when I first get out of college. Strange, I know.