(no subject)

May 16, 2005 04:29

Owen decided that tonight he wanted to rent the old Star Wars movies to watch back to back. I said I'd watch with him, since I hadn't seen the movies since high school and it's always fun to watch things back to back.

So, we started at roughly 10 p.m. and just finished at 4:30 a.m. *laughs* Good times, especially since Owen had NEVER SEEN THEM. Craziness.
He knew most of the storyline from playing the video games, so at least I didn't have to try to explain things.

I'm not sure if I'm ok with them going back and adding new effects. In one way I think they're best left in their original form... preserved. But in another way I understand the film-makers' desire to do what they wanted to originally, but just wasn't possible at the time.

However... adding Jar Jar Binks to the final scenes of The Return of the Jedi was just uncalled for. We hated him in the new movies, what makes you think we want him in the old ones, even if it is for about two seconds and only those paying attention would catch his "Wesa free!" line.

They also added Hayden Christensen at the end when Obi-Wan, Yoda and Anakin appear for Luke. I feel bad for whatever actor was originally cast as Anakin for that scene. Now his one claim to fame has been stripped. LOL.

Note: yes, I fully embrace the high nerdiness factor of this entry.

Also: The girl renting from Michael for the summer is very loud. She plays her music as LOUD as possible (loud enough that I can hear it even in my room... I share no walls with her) and she talks loudly on the phone if she's not listening to music. Tonight she got in a fight with her boyfriend (??) and was screaming so loud that Owen and I could hear every word she was saying... I came in my room to message Michael about something else, and I could hear what she was saying IN MY ROOM. That's just crazy. After about an hour she finally quieted down a bit, but she was on the phone for at least four hours straight. Yeesh. This is why I hate random roommates.

star wars, drama, lexington

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