(no subject)

Mar 13, 2005 16:57


I was apprehensive going to campout... it was my fourth, and after all the BC-alumni threats, I was a little bit worried as to how to handle that situation if they did arrive. Plus, with the event at Itchmetouchme I was a bit skeptical.

But holy crap, that's the best Campout I've been to. I'm paying for it today, but it was so much fun while it lasted. We had an amazing 18 alumni there. Allison and I set our goal at 20, so that was pretty damn close. However, the BC crew, except Scafidi, were all absent. After all the talk the past semester, they all bailed. As Allison and I said: "We were 'prepared to be boarded' but apparently it should have been 'prepared to be bored'." Waxlax was down from Boston though, so I gave him about 50 million hugs and reminded him that he's my favorite alumni ever. Man, I miss him so much!!!!

Early in the night Jamie and I took a stroll around the camp and caught up with our respective love-life situations. I'm really glad we went ahead and made the big/little thing official. I (heart) her and I really like my grandlittle Anna too. Jello-wrestling occured, and beer pong as well. Jamie and I tried... but she hasn't had the Ryan/Perdomo family beer pong lesson yet, so I got three and our opponents, Kelly O. and Paula took us out before I could get anymore. Next campout, we'll be more prepared.

Jamie and I were using Hunch Punch instead of beer, so after the game I was already a lil' tipsy. I sat down and talked to Ashley, Perdomo and Faith for a while. Then this is when it starts to get a bit fuzzy. I remember Scafidi congratulating me on being drunk, I remember lots of people commenting on: "Ahh! Liz is drunk! We never see her drunk!" and I remember stumbling to the bathroom multiple times with Mishy. I remember Patrick and I giving my journal to Danielle and Kristen, with pretty much all stuff from Gatlinburg... I remember dancing to the Postal Service/Flogging Molly with Mishy, Mike W., Moody, Faith, Nikki, Sarah H, and Jill before the rest of the campout people vetoed our music choices. Then the huge dance party with everyone on the tables/in the pavilion...craaaazy.

I finally sat down to give Kate, Stephanie and Kathy my journal and started to sober up. Scafidi and Dimsey joined and there was a long debate about the proper procedure for journals. Eventually the majority of the group moved over to the fire as it got realllly cold once I was sobering up. Stayed up all night with Marcus, Kristen, Patrick, Amber, Kate, Stephanie, Amanda S. (well, she almost made it), Cushing, and Alex. I established multiple times that Cushing has completely risen through the ranks to claim the title as my favorite Omicron. And he loves '05 Mustangs too, so he's good people.

As daylight came, Faith and Moody joined and we decided to wake people up to clean so we could leave. Cushing and I went to his car to pick out music... good selection! I was impressed. The group decided on Rage Against the Machine. It only sort of worked. I cleaned a bit, came home, tried to sleep, but I kept waking up shivering (even though it wasn't that cold in my room) or sick to my stomach. Eventually got to sleep but now I'm still hungover.

Regardless, best campout I've been to. *whew*

EDIT: As Cushing (latro) pointed out in his livejournal, I completely forgot about his friend Rufus. A cute gray cat that liked to mill around our fire. Patrick decided the cat should be Mr. Ruffles instead of Rufus. This did not sit too well for the rest of us. Then we met Mr. Tweeter, and Patrick went off with an axe to chop down Mr. Tweeter's tree. Oh, the fun that can be had at 6 a.m. without any sleep!

amanda, mishy, cush, campout, phi sig

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