(no subject)

Mar 12, 2005 02:32

From a post in the ufstudents LJ community, supporting DAN FITZPATRICK who is apparently trying to become "dictator" of student government instead of President:

* We "have a feeling" that FSU has weapons of mass destruction, and so we will launch a PREEMPTIVE STRIKE ON FSU in hopes of bringing freedom to the indigenous people of Tallahassee.

That was the funniest thing I'd read in such a long time. Not because it's about FSU (well, partially) but just because I love the random Bush-bashing.

In other news, both the alumni dinner and the lush-a-thon were successes. Our alumni meeting with Colleen Duval was not. Allison and I sat around in the Union for nearly an hour waiting for Colleen. In the meantime, I got a call from one of my possible summer internship possibilities and it sounded positive. Yay? Finally we gave up and left... turns out Colleen was waiting for us at Cafe Gardens. Somehow Allison, Faith and I missed that memo. But Dani wasn't answering her phone, so oh well. No meeting for us.

Alumni dinner was fabulous. Alumni in attendance: Kelly D., Shawn, Colleen, Janet, Perdomo, Alli, Carolyn and Scafidi. Plus bros me, Allison, Oded, Waxlax Jr., Alex, Sarah H. and initiate Shirley. Very good times, even with our scrunched tables at Chili's. I gave Perdomo a humongous hug for saving Zen for me, as well as just being the best Big ever =).

As for lush-a-thon, I ended up having to park in Norman (ugh). I saw Christina with a group of people walking towards the party, so I had them wait for me. Then as I was walking up Scafidi pulled in, so I gave him the Flogging Molly cd he asked to borrow and then waited for him. So as we all finally made it to the sidewalk, Chris Paulson drove up in his truck so we all hopped in the back and he drove us to the party. Anna, my grandlittle, got to go along for the ride too. And I made sure to introduce her to Scafidi as my grandlittle, so hopefully he'll be a little easier on her.

The party was craaaazy at first. There were three different apartments but the booze went quickly so everyone was just milling around outside. At one point there were so many people on the balconies that you literally couldn't move without get stepped on. Craaaazy. I was wearing a shirt that said "Kiss me, I'm Irish", which I chopped up all 80s style. I got kisses from multiple people, my favorite being from Michael: "Are you really Irish?" Liz: "Yes!" Michael: "100%?" Liz: "No..." Michael: *kisses Liz on the cheek* "If you'd said 100%, you would have gotten tongue." Liz: "Dammit! I'm lying next time!" hahaha.

I've have more to say about this in another place... If you're in the know... And Jamie, we need to go on a walk or something tomorrow and have a talk about all this vagueness and just catch up! ahhh!

quotes, uf campus, alumni, theme parties

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