Feb 23, 2005 20:41
Newberry's tonight made me rather sad...
First of all, Jeff, Matt Mc. and I were the only older brothers there... kinda sad. The rest were all Ommies and initiates. And while I'm very glad the tradition is being passed on to the little ones, I really miss the group that used to go. It made me really miss Waxlax and Hogan. I miss the way things were last year, but I guess that's a common feeling - nothing will ever top your first year.
The car ride to and from was fun as always... Kathy, one of the Pi class initiates, was able to fill her journal on Matt Mc. with funny quotes alone. Yes, it was one of those days. And then, as always, we teased Jeff about the fact that he wants to marry a Jewish girl from Boca. I think we talk about that EVERY time we go to Newberry's. lol.
Funniest moment of the night, in my opinion, was when, just out-of-the-blue, Jeff asked me: "Can I father your child?" So now apparently Jeff is my baby-daddy. Right. Then someone said: "No, she can't, she's not Jewish!" And Jeff said: "No, it's fine. I just can't marry her and my mom can't ever find out." Ahhh... too funny.
Tomorrow is my last day before Spring Break. Woot! Even though Spring Break is too early and I'm not really ready for it yet. However, spending the week in Gatlinburg should be hella fun and I am looking forward to that. But it's a little daunting because after break, I have something planned every weekend:
March 12- Campout. March 19- GET SLAM'D. March 25- Easter weekend, probably going home. April 2- Dance Marathon. April 9- tentative plans for a road trip with my Phi Sig family. April 15- Orlando with my high school band (some Pirate dinner thing.. I couldn't pass that up. Maybe Islands of Adventure if I don't feel too weird about it, but I'm iffy). April 23- Exams.
Craaazy. Then I get a week off and Summer C starts. *whew*. Whirlwind.
phi sig,
spring break