Jan 16, 2005 20:51
After having company since Wednesday, it's a bit lonely in the apartment right now.
Our long, long day around Gainesville ended with Sarah and I being closer than ever. It amazes me that after being best friends with her since I was in 9th grade, we still manage to become closer and closer as the years go on. Even though the distance keeps us from always being 100% up-to-date with the daily happenings like the old days, we can come back and touch on the big events and understand/trust each other completely. I'm not sure what I would do without her.
We tried to go to sleep around 3 a.m., but the crazy guys downstairs were partying until at least 3:30 a.m. I fell asleep after that, so I don't know when they stopped. It's just getting frickin' ridiculous, having to put up with that all the time. We're all a bit fed up.
This morning Sarah and I woke up and had brunch at 706. OMG, so good. She had organic blueberry pancakes, I had french toast with caramel/pecan/raspberry sauce and then we shared a side of five cheese au gratin potatoes. It was all amazing, if not carb-ilicous. I will pay for it tonight at my visit to the gym, no doubt. After brunch we headed to the Natural History museum to see the butterflies. It was a beautiful day today... blue sky, 60 degrees... gorgeous. The butterflies were sort of hiding, but they were fluttering around any spot with sunlight. Very, very cool. We went through once and then went right back in to go a second time. Wish I'd taken my camera... next time!
A fabulous three days/two nights with Jason, followed by a fabulous three days/two nights with Sarah (albeit far less romantic, lol).
Suddenly, the apartment feels very lonely. Yarr.