(8:53:04 PM)
slave2tehtink: Have been keeping up w/news of Spike's surgery. 1) those dogs look HAPPY so yeah. and 2) This opens up so much scope to learn to do papier mache and make him a selection of prosthetic noses. Like with a rhinoceros horn on one. Because what the world needs is Spike with a pointy horn on his face.
(8:53:43 PM)
lizblackdog: ...lol you
(8:53:50 PM)
lizblackdog: that's a kind of awesome idea
(8:54:01 PM)
lizblackdog: like I could make him a selection of different ones
(9:05:16 PM)
slave2tehtink: A big red clown nose
(9:05:27 PM)
lizblackdog: noooo I fear clowns
(9:05:45 PM)
slave2tehtink: I really think Spike needs weaponry on his face though
(9:06:12 PM)
lizblackdog: I agree ENTIRELY.