So it's (nearly) 4am, and I'm happily minding my own business watching Doctor Who online with a friend.
(3:38:36 AM) LizBlackDog: wtf my doorbell just rang
(3:38:41 AM) Friend: O.o
(3:38:49 AM) LizBlackDog: ...I'm ignoring it
(3:38:53 AM) LizBlackDog: it's 4am
(3:38:55 AM) Friend: drunk people? XD
(3:39:03 AM) LizBlackDog: argh
(3:41:10 AM) LizBlackDog: you remember me bitching about
shit in the hallway?
(3:41:14 AM) Friend: Yes
(3:41:26 AM) LizBlackDog: That was my
insane shinyheaded neighbour(3:41:50 AM) LizBlackDog: who apparently thinks shit in the hallway again is worth waking me up over
(3:42:03 AM) LizBlackDog: even though he has cleaned it up already.
(3:42:22 AM) LizBlackDog: Oh, and he wanted to a. borrow tobacco and b.offer me valium.
(3:42:29 AM) LizBlackDog: *rolleyes*
(3:42:35 AM) Friend: har
(3:43:01 AM) LizBlackDog: I just need my own TARDIS and I am SO moving out.
(3:43:07 AM) Friend: XD
(3:43:47 AM) LizBlackDog: but it's nice to know Shit In The Hallway got to be some other bugger's problem this week.
(3:44:16 AM) LizBlackDog: and especially nice to know it was Shiny Head's.
(3:44:22 AM) LizBlackDog: because he's a dick.
*seven minutes later*
(3:52:35 AM) LizBlackDog: sorry. I was answering the fucking doorbell again
(3:52:39 AM) Friend: no worries
(3:52:47 AM) LizBlackDog: I gave him tobacco
(3:53:01 AM) LizBlackDog: and it took him till now to work out he had no rolling papers
(3:53:09 AM) LizBlackDog: *headdesk*
(3:53:20 AM) LizBlackDog: I was a bit short with him.
(3:53:49 AM) LizBlackDog: (Me: Don't ring my fucking doorbell at this hour again unless the fucking building catches fire. Goodnight.)