Arrrgh, my bloody C drive just turned up its toes and died!
The bad news: It contained a large chunk of my music collection: all my Graham Parker, Men They Couldn't Hang, Nick Lowe, Peter Blegvad and Bob Dylan MP3s, as well as the few bits of porn I liked enough to keep on my hard drive, all my ebooks, and my chatlog backups.
The good news: All of that is backed up onto data DVDs somewhere or other.
The bad news about the good news: I have a thousand-odd data DVDs in this room and the backups are scattered over hundreds of them; basically every time I write a DVD and there's a bit of space over, I shove some music or chatlogs or audiobooks or something on it. I do not have any sort of catalogue or system to keep track of what's where, other than writing on the front of the disc. So it may take me a month to find the stuff I've lost.
The possible good news: For a while now I've been having a weird computer problem, where the entire system would reboot if I clicked certain links - notably Amazon and Wikipedia, but also some other links sometimes.
topbit reckoned it was a hardware issue, but couldn't narrow it down further than that. I thought he might have solved it when he upgraded my RAM, because it happened much less after that, but it crept up on me again. With luck it will have been the C drive causing the problem and it won't happen any more.
The other good news: The C drive was the smallest of my three hard drives, only (I think) 20 gig or so. Shouldn't be hard to replace/upgrade it.
I've added the "psychic paper" tag to this entry because I haven't heard from you for ages. You still reading this? Talk to me!