Heard you making noises in the hallway late last night

Jul 29, 2006 16:31

I am drinking a concoction of apple and orange juice, mixed in equal parts and then diluted with two parts water to one part juice. I'm eating fresh English strawberries - one of the few compensations for having to suffer through disgusting sticky summer. I have also put a fresh pot of coffee on.

Went through a cat-owning rite of passage last night - I shut Cassie in the utility room by accident when I got today's beastie food out of the freezer. Cassie's one of those clingy cats that follows me everywhere making conversation as she goes - prrp, prrp, pree? Mrrow! Mree, mree-mree? I make noises back at her and she answers. I have no idea what I'm saying, but she always answers. I guess I'm the cat equivalent of a talking parrot. I'm continually tripping over her, stepping on her and having to avoid knocking her into the bath or splashing her as she sits on the edge of the tub watching me wash.

Anyway, she's never going to stay shut in any cupboards or rooms for long. The noise was incredible, and the dogs both came and barked at me on the off chance that I hadn't heard Cassie's "MROWWW!" *crash* "MIIIIIIIAW!!! MROOOWWW!!" *thump* "MREEEK!"

blogathon, cat

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