Jun 30, 2006 19:58
8pm, feeding time for dogs.
Me: *fetches 2lbs of rabbit from fridge, puts half in Spike's bowl, heads for Squish's bowl*
Cassie: I hear the FRIDGE! Gimme food! *begs for rabbit although she had a bowl of turkey an hour ago she didn't finish*
Spike: OMGCAT!!! *starestare*
Squish: I have a cunning plan! *swiftly eats Spike's dinner*
Spike: OMGCAT!!!! *starestarestare*
Me: *rolleyes*
*splits Squish's intended dinner between Spike and Cassie*
*feeds Cassie in the bedroom out of Spike's sight*
Spike: Wot no cat? Might as well eat then. *eats*
Squish: *whines* WHERE'S MINE????
cat/dog relations,