Feb 05, 2007 13:16
I've started keeping track of everything I spend and budgeting. It really takes the fun out of eating junk food :(
Good news for me though- I went to the dentists this morning for the first time in at least a decade, and he said my teeth were fine :) I had some concerns that there would be problems that I should have dealt with years ago.
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(I'm a friend of friend randomly found you by your NODDSOC post before getting scared! ;D)
Just I've never met anyone else who tracekd things on a budget! (I blame me travelling!)
Bored at work + access to excel + way too much debt.
I have a table for my direct debits, and a table for my regular out goings (linked to pivot tables so I can be more precise than I want to than the broad labels like ‘food’ that I have in there).
I get a salary and keep track of what I can claim back from work (travel expenses for meetings etc). Having budgeted for my 'regular out goings', I can see how much I could save each month- and how much I have so far.
This is my first month, but I really need to stick to it. I end up travelling a lot too- it's shocking how much you end up spending on things like taxis (too tired after the train) and satisfying the travel munchies!
Can I ask where you got your lj name from?
What you SHOULD spend it on (and what should be saved)
And then what you do spend it on?
I have a record of my spendings, but the budget idea was lost a good 8 months back! :)
And if not for mad weekends of mass spending, I'd try doing it again...
It's always nice to knwo how much money I have, had and the difference a little care can make!
for me, drinks, meals and friends are the big spenders, at least a 1/3 my salary a month!
My name I made up many a yoor ago.
Your name was making me think of a letter from the French alphabet and a sound that the pipes make on Red Dwarf. But I’m still sure it was a characters name in a book I’ve read at some point- but then I suppose most name like sounds have been used for a character in a book at some point.
1. Hungarian for mouse (or very close depending on wo you ask - so maybe it's an accent thing?)
2. French grammatical thing
3. Name from person in book? - Never heard that one before! Tell more!
4. Red dwarf pipe music - NOW I'VE GOTTA GO FIND THAT EPISODE! DO YOU REALISE THAT! But I don't think it was one, or I would have picked it up when I saw it.
me interested.
I am also pretty certain (thinking back to my GCSE days) that egrek is how you pronounce the letter Y in French.
Book- If I ever remember then I’ll let you know ;)
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