*Waves fist*

Aug 06, 2006 21:53

Damn you British public transport system!

After waiting 20 minutes for my bus tonight (the final leg of a very long journey) the bleedin driver parked at the wrong end of the station then drove off before I could get to them! So instead of extending my journey by another hour waiting at the creepy bus station I got a taxi home. So I no longer have enough cash on me to last untill the end of the week- so I'll have to withdraw from my credit card (the bank having only just upped the fee for that service). GRR

UP side is the rest of my day was fine. Ate too much at lunch with Si's family, and had a generally enjoyable day- which included picking up my fifty pounds of clothes shops vouchers that I had won. Pretty new dress (which would be my only dress), here I come :)

I also had jolly good fun at Keris BBQ on Saturdy- her two kittens are sooo adorable! I discovered that I like Martini Asti and a variety of meat products (I am quite certain that I put on weight this weekend). I enjoyed flitting between Keris friends (grown ups) who I could talk to about the economy, mortgages and careers, and Slee, simon and Ozzy- who are quite happy not being entirely grown up and would chat about games, horrible films and sillyness in general.

All in all a good weekend, and I'm looking forward to showing Si Welwyn next weekend. It will be the first time that he comes to see me and not vice versa (though i have only been in the flat for about 2/3 weeks), so I'm buzzing a bit.

I have one last bit of news that I'm going to share once I have all the final details- I'm so exited!
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