Oct 29, 2005 10:02
so i feel like i have so much to talk about. theres so much i want to let out. and tell but i not only cant find the time. but i just seem to forget everything when i go to write in this thingy.
ive been pretty busy this week.
i went to the destist the other day. it was totally incredibly horrible. i hate them!!
schools been alright. my 1st quarter is over! i got a 3.2 gpa. im happy with it. specially becuase im not in an college credit courses. so thats not a weighted gpa. im happy with that. schools doing good. i have alllllot of work to do. it seems endless. i finally get one project over with and there is another waiting to be done. it seems everyday im rushing to be able to do something with school. i had alot tonight. tons. and i didnt get it all done. but theres only so much i can do. i will be up nice and early in the morning to finish. AWESOME.
besides that all that grades stuff schools going alright.
some girl drama is making me so so mad! girls are so mean!!!! so in child development we are all just sitting there and then this girl names ali (not my alY lol) walks in and she has some huggge t shirt on with a belt on over it up to her boobs. clearly didnt work. bad outfit. but not a big deal. mandi goes "OOOOOH MYYYY GODDDD! im NOT seeing this!" and starts screaming and jumping around. other girls see her doing it and start saying stuff too! cant ya just keep your damn mouth closed! the entier class is turning around looking at them being little idiots. and mean! i cant handle it. not like they dress to impress either! (not mentioning names...) but one of you ALWAYS wears sweats. the same pairs over and over again. and YOU miss you always have way to much makeup on! and you always have way to many layers of clothes on too! and you dress cheap! oh and you miss mandi you have such LARGE love handles... well you have to cut your jeans at the waist so you big ass can fit into them! UGH! girls!
and then all these pregnant girls! i swear!! its called P R O T E C T I O N !!! its not that difficult! cover the stump before you hump!! this girl, ESPECIALLY HER, it not at all read for a child. she is like 3 months along i guess. and starting to show just a very little. and she like WIGGS out in school when people ask her about it and shes stays hollering and stuff that she doesnt want anyone to know... BUT SHE CANT SHUT UP ABOUT IT! SHE TELLS EVERYONE! ALL THE TIME! its her fault!!! shes really one of the sweetest girls, evvver. but really im not sure ifshe has a brain at all. i think its hallow up there.
i also got my hair did the other day. i did high lights and low lights. two rows of darker and then one row of lights. i like it. but i just got the top. next time im doing the whole foil. i had a new lady this time. normally i go to jill but this time i had karen or something. she was talking about her hubby. how mucch she still loves him. as much as the day they got married. how cute. how he is still as sweet as he was then. writing her sweet notes. telling her things that would still make her heart dropp to her toes. reminding her all the time she is the most beautiful person hes ever see. her big 4-0 birthday was recetly. he had a suprise party for her and her twin sister. aw. and they hubbys got together and got them matching crossfires for their birthdays too. so sweet. like a dream.
i miss kimmie so muhc. i dont get much time to talk to her and i havent really been able to se her that much when i was in florida. but i mis her so much.it sucks. im missing somuch being here. i miss everyone
it just feels like someting is missing. like nothing is ever all there. like i will never be happy like i have been before. nothing feels really complete. like its there. i have my honey, mike, i have my mom, i have the pepople at school, that stay there, i have a job i think i enjoy, i have it. but its not compelete. im always missing something. specially latelyt.. like the last month. somethings just not there.
works okay. its good. the peope are alrigt. alot of shy ones. know how i love them. but theres really one 3 people i will almost avoid.
i want a new car! i think i could talk them into it. but my moms like blllahhhh you just got the civic like a year ago. well im bored of it now. and my DAD got it for me. not both of them. thast when things were kind of weird between the family. so now i could get something better. but she really wants me to wait till i gradute. i hguess i will have to. boo.
talking about gradutating. i applied for "permission" to graduate a semester early. and i got it!! thast exciting. so THIS TIME NEXT YEAR... I WILL BE DONE WITH HIGH SCHOOL. and the best part........... MOVING TO FLORIDA.
talking about moving to florida. its kind of strange. my parents have been looking at jobs there. i think its a possibilty we could. who knows. im sick of hearing about it and thikning about it.
its been so cold here. it sucks!!! ALREADY two mornings this week i had to SCRAPE ICE/SNOW/CRAP off my car in the morning!!! ahh