May 13, 2011 17:01
Man, I really let this journal fall by the wayside for a bit :|a Gonna try and pick it back up, though, since if nothing else these entries are entertaining to look back on now and again.
Nnnot much going on RL, sick of talking about work/like situations with everyone ever, but long story short I'm working at NGM for now, have been for a few months. It's a long-term temp position that they sort of keep extending indefinitely, so unfortunately I don't have any real job security/benefits but at the same time, it's a job. And they pay me decently (better than the kennel) for doing less work, and have amazing food. Yes, I really do motivate myself to get up and go to work in the morning because I know there will be bacon sandwiches waiting for me. BACON.
Though on that note I'm getting fat being in an office job all day as opposed to running around a kennel, so been trying to be outside more recently, especially now that the weather's nice. Found a really nice trail in my town that I'd not been on before (at least not the full length of it) due to it passing through a swampy area and part of the trail usually being underwater. This past thaw, however, it looks like the snowmobilers were down in there making some modifications, and now there's a couple of land and rock bridges and simple drain put in to pass the swamp run-off under the trail and it's passable. And holy crap, once you get out of the watershed it's gorgeous and a straight shot to the water hole. Probably about a mile or two all told, I took Meg on it three times this week. Next time will see if I can bring a camera, it's so nice~ Bill used to graze the sheep down there so it was sorta familiar, but was cool to see how it all connected up. STFU NATURE NERD 8(
Anyway. Uhhh starting to shoot applications out to zoos and stuff again, I guess, since I'm not sure how long this NGM job will last and while I like it out, I don't want to work in an office permanently. I don't have the mental stamina to sit under fluorescent lights all day. I volunteer at the kennel on weekends sometimes, but for... reasons most will know from my last few entries, I try not to get too involved. Just an excuse to see the dogs regularly, really. But they all still remember me, so yay :) They have a new blue male who's really gorgeous. Blues are pretty rare color-wise for greyhounds but he's a lovely medium gunmetal grey, named Gabriel. He's an antsy spazz.
WoW-wise, I moved a couple of my mains back over to Ysera to rejoin Executive Order along with a couple other friends of mine, and I'm really glad I did. Really nice, awesome people, fun raids, good time in general. And I'm finally playing a class as my main that I actually enjoy, my resto shaman <333 I wish like hell that it was Horde, I don't really care for Alliance that much still and none of the Alli shaman races thrill me to death, BUT otherwise it's fun and laid-back.
Will upload some screenshots and stuff of all the new mounts/gear/whatever I have in another post later.
Art-wise, haven't had time for TOO much with working full-time and raiding and WoW shit, but I've tossed out pieces here and there. I should probably do another commission Livestream sometime soon, maybe Sunday, who knooows~ Tonight I'm super pumped about coloring an icon collaboration I'm doing with Trip of our stupid gay priestguys I LOVE THEM DON'T JUDGE ME AAAA.
So yes. Art and screenshot dump later, probably. NOW YOU ARE UP TO DATE on my horribly exciting life.