Sep 21, 2005 15:22
L.Ron either crazy or just a scam artist.
To join is cult *cough* I mean religion. You have to pay about $10,000. Hubbard believes that he is the reincarnation of Budda. Which being a buddist...I have found to be A TOTAL LIE....
1-Budda is not one person, Saddartha Gautama was the first Budda..he reached Enlightenment..(you have to acheive over your lives, finding a purity of mind, and the ability to understand that death and rebirth are nothing..but to find true liberation;nirvana). A Budda is just a person who has reached enlightenment...just like President is not one person but everyone who has reached presidency...thats why we acknowledge Clinton has still President Clinton.
3-He believes that Christianity was a memory implanted by aliens.....if he believes that why wouldn't buddism be an "alien" memory.
4-A central belief of his religion is total infallibility to everything he has ever said or written....
5-John Travolta and Tom Cruise are known members of the religion...that doesn't help Hubbards case in ANY way..