1) Baby's current statistics:
Weight: 21 lbs 0.5 oz (95%)
Length: 28" (90-95%)
Head Circ: 45 (25%)
2) How is your little one doing overall?
Great! He is rolling over (finally), he did this first on my birthday 4-11, it was a great present for mommy. He is sitting up and starting to do an army crawl, moving forward with his legs but not quite with the arms. He sits like a pro till something behind him catches his attention, then he flops back and rolls onto his belly and then is mad because he cant sit back up yet. He is a really good eater. we have done rice goo and oatmeal goo the past month and he doesn't spit it out and he likes to chew on the spoon. No teeth yet, but man are those gums sharp.
He has an awsome laugh but only the dogs can get it out of him. He love him some doggy ears, tail, feet, nose, fur.
He wakes up in the mornings and talks to his mobile critters, and that is a nice alarm clock. He is on a loose schedule, and has started to cut some of the shorter naps out but is taking a longer 1-2 hour nap in the afternoon.
3) What are your little one's biggest likes and dislikes to date?
He likes the sprout channel on tv. He loves doggy's. he likes this place called outside (yeah for warm weather). He likes to pick grass and flowers, watch cars go by, and taking walks with mommy. He likes that mommy's nose beeps. He likes to suck on his toes.
He doesn't like to be stuck, on his back or belly. and he pretty much hates bottles, but he is starting to hold it on his own so that is better.
4) What's been the best part about parenting your baby so far? The hardest?
everything is awsome. He is even doing better for daddy. so i can leave the house once or twice a month with out the baby. The hardest is that daddy still has prblems comforting him. he isnt nursing to sleep but he is nursing to get calm and relaxed enought to sleep. getting a routine and schedule is hard.
5) How are YOU doing?
I'm doing ok. My friend who has a 2 year (who is the same size as wayne) and I have started walking 3 times a week about 4-5 miles a day. so i am losing some more baby weight, and getting out of the house more with people, and feeling better about my self. I cant wait for it to be summer so our pool will be opened and we can go swimming.
6) Questions?
any tips on how to introduce a sippy cup? I'm not in a hurry to have him drinking more than boob juice but it would help since he is not fond of the bottle.
7) Pictures!
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