jan update

Jan 18, 2008 13:52

1) Baby's current statistics (if you know them):
2 feet, 16 lbs almost 3 months (on the 26th)

2) How is your little one doing overall?
very well. he is a well behaved laid back baby, take him with me anywhere i go. but he has evil diaper rash, slight cradle cap.

3) What are your little one's biggest likes and dislikes to date?
Loves to move all the time, likes to talk to me and bath time.
dislikes going to being in the car seat and not moving.

4) How are YOU doing?
ok. I lost all my weight gain in the 2 weeks after baby, so that is good but would like to lose more. my c-sec scar is still tender, not so ok. My hubby wants sex all the time and i just dont feel like it, so he gets frustrated with me, not so good. i'm now a stay-at-home and i like sleeping in but the days can go on forever when there is nothing to do around the house (or that i want to do).

5) What's been the best part about parenting your baby so far? The hardest?
our conversations are the best. its hard at 3 am with a crying baby when mama is to tired to stand. and it is hard when the daddy lets baby cry.

6) Any questions or concerns? help with cutting nails and diaper rash.

7) Show us a baby pic!

*** I almost forgot...
good news.   He has been sleeping through the night since x-mas, 6-8 hours.  And last night we moved to the crib in his room instead of the cradle in my room with no problems.

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