Sep 26, 2006 21:26
Sam, I know you're more likely to read this before you even think to open your email.
And Steve, I sent you an email on this (actually forwarded the original to you) so if you read this first, head to your email for more details.
Guys, B's father passed away on the 15th. He'd been quite ill all summer long, in and out of the hospital for various cardio-vascular related things, but lasted until just a few weeks ago. She and Rob had been taking care of most of his requirements before and during and after his hospital stays, and then after he passed, the funeral arrangements.
Then, just a few days later, they were told that the Termination of Parental Rights hearing, which was supposed to go in their favor, had been denied by the judge. He, though he had already recommended that the birth mother's rights be terminated, decided to turn at the last second. This puts B and Rob back quite a bit in the whole process. In fact, they've little legal recourse left.
They've hired a new laywer, the best in the state for these types of cases, and, in usual B and Rob style, aren't taking this laying down. They're going to exhaust every avenue possible to ensure that the kids stay with them.
Basically, what I'm saying is that B and Rob have had a hellish couple of weeks. First with the passing of her father and now with the setback in the adoption proceedings. I'm stuck over here and can't do much besides send happy thoughts and such via email. If I were there, I'd go over there and give them all great big hugs and do my best to make them laugh for an hour or two. But I can't.
So, I'm going to ask you guys to do it in my place. To be brutally honest, there's absolutely nothing that we can do to help, but at the very least we can try to be there or let them know that we've got their back. (I say we but you know what I mean, don't you?)
I've offered your shoulder (you know which one I'm talking about) Steve, hope you don't mind me pimping you out like that. Maybe you guys could drop her an email or something?
Anyway, pass the info on to anyone who would want to know. I no longer know who that would be, but maybe you know, whatever.