Flag The Bus Early If You Want It To Stop

Jul 12, 2016 20:26

It's like the people of Singapore forgot how to flag a bus today.

While I was waiting for the bus this morning, I noticed a man in a blue shirt strolling towards the bus stop, his back facing traffic. He hadn't quite reached when a bus drove by. Noticing it belatedly, he barely lifted his arm out in a meager attempt to flag it down. It looked like he could have been simply tossing something on the ground. The bus was already zooming past him and didn't stop, and he got so mad he started waving his middle finger about indignantly.

Right after that, as he arrived at the bus stop, another bus came. Once again he didn't see it until it was too late, and made another half-assed attempt to flag it down, his arm not even rising above his hip. And once again, either the driver didn't notice him, or wasn't able to stop safely at that point, and drove off. The guy threw his hands up in exasperation, a bitter scowl on his face, and I was left to marvel at his impressive sense of entitlement.

Next, a bunch of aunties arrived at the bus stop, chit-chatting. Two buses approached, 67 followed by 854. As I walked forward to flag down the 854, I heard the aunties announcing to each other, "The bus is here! The bus is here!" Seeing as no one was flagging him down, the driver of bus 67 kept going.

A moment of bewildered silence from the aunties. Then they all started announcing to each other, "It didn't stop! It didn't stop!" I boarded bus 854 contemplating the odds of witnessing so many fails first thing in the morning.


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